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You've always been good trying to keep up with education and you've recently just finished exams. For a while Druig realised that you seemed to be acting off. He at first put it down to the fact exams had just ended and you needed to relax for a bit after the hard work you had done. After a while of you acting off he was starting to worry a little and before he thought to much into it, he just decided to talk to you, in that case you could tell him if something was wrong or give you the space if you needed it. He came to your room and just knocked on the door asking for you)

Druig: hey can I come in?
You: yeah!
Druig came in and closed your door: hey, can you take a break for a minute
You saved what you were doing and put your laptop aside: everything okay?
Druig: I actually came to ask you that
You: really?
Druig: don't take this wrong, but you've been acting off lately
You: I guess it's just school stuff
Druig: are you sure that's all, is something else going on?
You paused for a moment: yeah
Druig: if you're sure I'll leave you alone but I'm here if you need me

(He stood up and went to the door, beginning to open it when tou stopped him)

You: wait-

(He stopped and asked you what's wrong. You started telling him what was going on with school and the bullying that you had been going through for many weeks, getting worse after exams ended. He was confused why you hadn't mentioned it to him but you were just trying to deal with it all yourself)

Druig: you know you didn't have to do it by yourself 
You: I know but I just- I wanted to be able to do it by myself
Druig smiled: you dont have to. I'll make a call in the morning and have something sorted for you
You: really?
Druig: yes really. Just relax for tonight, what have you been doing anyways?
You: just doing some writing stuff, trying to distract myself really
Druig: want to watch a movie?
You smiled: yeah

Yn being bullied and not telling themWhere stories live. Discover now