May parker

390 12 1

You and Peter were always close and walked to and Delma school together. On this day Peter had been walking to one of his other classes when he heard some people shouting insults at you. You didn't realise Peter had head until You guys were walking home as he asked you about it. You said it was nothing and it wasn't being shouted towards you. He didn't believe you but changed the subject for the walk home and once you got back you almost Immediately went to your room which worried May a little)

May: peter had something happened?
Peter: what?
May: yn just walked straight to their room, it's not like them
Peter: I think they're being bullied may
May: bullied?!
Peter: I heard some people saying stuff to them today I don't know how long it's been happening though
May: alright, thanks Peter, I'll talk to them
Peter: okay May
May: is there anything else I should know?
Peter: not that I know of

(She nodded and headed to your room knocking lightly and you said she could come in. She came and sat down on your bed with you asking about what happened at school. You knew that Peter had said something so you just came clean and told her about everything)

May: how long has it been happening?
You: a few weeks
May: my god, I'm so sorry
You; it's not your fault
May: why didn't you tell me
You: I thought I could just deal with it by myself
May: you can always tell me, Im sorry it's been happening. I'll call the school in the morning
You: you don't have to do that
May: I do, I'm not having this continue if I can help it

(She made sure to do that the first thing the next morning. She made sure that Peter watched out for you as she was worried about what was going to happen. After a little while things got sorted and you ended up hanging with some new friends as Peter, ned and mj kelt a close eye on you when they passed you way)

Yn being bullied and not telling themWhere stories live. Discover now