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Bruce and Calmia were welcomed very warmly by the rest of the family upon their return. Calmia was happy to become part of such an accepting family while Bruce was relieved that in their absence, the children hadn't blown up the Manor.

Alfred assured him that there had been just as much chaos caused if not more than what he expected yet the Wayne Manor had somehow withstood it all. Just like it always did. 

That night Calmia had decided to host a family dinner for all of them because, by the next morning, most of them were leaving Gotham. Richard and Barbara had to go back to Bludhaven, while Stephanie was going to leave with Elizabeth and Kate Kane as the three had planned a much-needed vacation together. Jason would also be returning to his life with the Outlaws. Cassandra, Duke, and the rest were all supposed to leave that week.

So Calmia wanted them to have a night together as a family and enjoy each other's company while they could.

Bruce didn't object to the idea though he warned her that having all of them together in the manor for even an hour could end up in disaster. But now she too was a part of the family and her decisions counted as well. So she assured him that nothing would go wrong and then got to work to prepare for the enormous feast with Alfred.

There were a lot of people who were going to be there for dinner so everything had to be made in ample quantity. Calmia wanted to cook at least one dish herself so after discussing it with Alfred, she decided to prepare the dessert.

She thought of making a syrupy sugar sweet that her mother used to make when Aman and she were young. She crosschecked with Alfred that all the ingredients were there then after the main course was ready, she got to make the sweet.

It was similar to a plain cake, the only difference was that the sponge was kept soft and moist from caramel. Back in Egypt, they called it basbousa.

After the cake was baked, she cut it into small squares, dripping the liquid caramel syrup on top. She hoped they would enjoy the dessert and after the syrup had set, she put it in the fridge to cool.

At last, it was time for all of them to gather in the dining hall. Those who had not been in the manor and were staying at their places earlier had shown up as well upon the invitation.

Bruce was there too, keeping a watchful eye that none of his children or cousins caused a ruckus.

It was their first dinner together as a family with Calmia and as she had put in so much effort, Bruce did not want her to be disappointed in any way.

"Where's Damian?" Calmia asked, after meeting and greeting the people stepping in through the front door.

She knew it would take her time to remember all their names but she knew the four boys very well so seeing one of them not there made her question Bruce.

"Dick, where's Damian?" He asked Richard who nodded in a sign that he would go get him.

The dining hall was full of chatter and the sound of chairs being pushed out as they had started to settle in. They were all delighted to be together and their excitement showed.

"Are we gonna have these dinners every month?" Duke asked, taking the seat next to Jason, "because if so then that would be lovely."

"Of course, if you guys can manage to show up here every month, I would have no issue making this a routine."

"Wow, you're sweet," Elizabeth remarked, craning her neck to see when the dishes would be brought out from the kitchen, "also whatever you guys cooked, it smells delicious. I can't wait to dig in."

"Same," Jason added but then offered to go help Alfred.

"Jason, don't eat anything before the others," Steph called out to him, "or we will ban you from the next gathering."

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