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As I drove my phone was blowing up. It was Josh calling me, over and over and over again. I continued driving till I got to Addisons house. I had texted her telling he what happened. And she gladly told me to come over. As I parked I answered my phone. "Josh! Stop fucking calling me! It's over! You cheated! That's not on me." I said. "Ember, please. I swear it won't happen again. Okay? I love you." "You don't love me Josh. Because if you loved me you wouldn't have been cheating." I said. "I'm sorry." He said. "Save it. Now go tell Jaden. Because I would much rather not be the one to tell him that his best friend was hooking up with his girlfriend. But if I have to. I will." I said. "Don't say shit to him!" He said. "Fuck you Josh. Like seriously. I can't believe I ever dated you!" I hung up the phone and I walked into Addisons apartment.

*little bit later*

"I just don't know what to do. Jaden needs to know, but how do you tell someone that?" I asked. "Listen you need to tell him." She said. "I know. But- I just-w-" "Call him." She said. "But he's in the studio and he-" "Stop. Go call him." She said. I took a deep breath and nodded.

I walked outside quickly and called Jaden it rang a few times, and then he picked it up. "Em? What's up? Is everything okay?" I took a deep breath and said, "Is there any chance you're free later?" I asked. "Ummm... yeah. Why?" "Could we like.... Meet up for lunch or something?" I asked. "Ummm... I mean yeah." He said. "Great." I said. "Is everything okay Em?" He asked. "We can talk about it at lunch." I said with a sigh. "Okay?" He said. Then he added. "I'll probably be out of here in an hour. You want me to pick you up?" "Yeah, sure." "So I'll meet you at the apartment in like an hour and a half?" He asked. "Uh actually I'm at Addi's." I said. "Oh, I thought you were surprising Josh." He said. "Yeah... I'll explain it all later." I said. "Okay. Are you sure you're okay though?" He asked. "Honestly... I don't know." I said. "Did something happen with you and Josh?" He asked. "Kind of." I said. "All right. Well I'll see you in a bit. Okay? Text me if you need to." He said. "Thanks Jaden." I said. "Of course."

As we hung up I let out a groan. I'm honestly glad Jaden and I are as close as we are. But it's about to make our lunch hard. I went back inside and saw Addison. "So?" She asked. "I couldn't tell him over the phone. So we're gonna go get lunch and I'll explain." I said. She let out a sigh and said, "Are you doing okay babes?" "I don't know. I feel like I'm more angry than upset." I said. "Yeah, I know." She said. "I just can't believe Josh would do that. Like, we've been together a year. And I thought our relationship was great. Sure towards the end some stuff got rocky, but it wasn't like it was an everyday thing. So knowing that through our whole relationship he was sleeping around with my literal BEST friend. I don't know..." I said. "Look, I promise you, he's not worth the pain and sadness. He didn't deserve you. And neither did Nessa! Okay? Just focus on the people in your life who care about you. Me, Jaden, and literally all your other friends. Fuck Josh and Nessa!" She said. "Yeah, you're right." I said. She hugged me. "You're seriously the best." I said. She smiled. "Now, let get you changed, and fix your makeup before you leave the house. I nodded. "You can barrow my stuff."


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I fixed my makeup and looked at Addison. "Listen it's gonna be fine. Okay? I'm sure he's gonna be upset but don't stress too much on it. Okay?" She asked. I nodded. My phone buzzed and I realized that an hour had already passed. Jaden had messaged saying he was on his way. The studio was only about 15 minutes away so I knew he would be there soon.

I got my shoes on and I grabbed my purse deciding I would just meet Jaden outside. I looked at Addi and she gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back and headed outside.

It didn't take long for Jaden to pull up. So I walked over to his car and got in. "Hey." He said with a smile. "Hey." I said back softly. "What's going on?" He asked as he started driving. "Well..."

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