Chapter 12

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*AN: First of all I'd like to apologize for not updating in like 7 months or more but i blanked out and lots of stuff happened but i'll try to update more often now since i got more ideas *

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Chapter 12

Emily's POV:

Things with Adam are terrible, I can't stand being in the same room as my own brother and now he comes home yelling at me to not see Jason like something posessed him. He's got this crazy idea that Jason is the bad guy while Adam is the one tearing me apart. Does he not realize I need him.

*phone vibrates*

"Hey you ok? xx - J"

"Not really x - Em"

"Wanna talk about it? xx- J"

"Not really, I'm gonna catch some sleep x- Em"

"alright, I'm here if you need me. goodnight beautiful xx - J"

"thanks. goodnight jace x- Em"

I laid back down in bed and wondered what have I done to ever deserve this misery, I've always tried my best to make everyone proud of me and in return I get my own brother agaisnt me.

*next day*

Tiffany's POV:

My plan is working perfectly, she's feeling the pain I've felt for years. The rejection and the pity. Everyone looks at her like she's filthy and that's what she deserves.

"Adam baby let's skip" i said looking at him in a lustful way

"sure babe" he said looking at me the same

We make our way out of school passing by Emily and she looks at us all disgusting and all I can do is smirk at her and wink. Letting her know im not giving up.

Emily's POV:

Ugh there they are, acting like they rule the place and that they're in love. Tiffany has never been able to love anyone. Why does she need to play this game? Ruin my relationship with my brother and possibly be taking over his brain.  

How doesn't he notice that she's evil, she's always hated me. I don't even want to know what they're about to do.

"Hey Em" I heard come from beside me. I looked up and my day had brightened up to 10000 times. Here next to me stood the boy who's been by my side through it all. The one I can count on and never be afraid. Jason.

"Hey Jace" I reply a bit shy. No matter how much we hang out he always manages to make me shy and make my heart beat so fast it feels like it'll jump out of my heart. He grabbed my hand and just smiled at me carrying me out of the school to the football field. He's not brought me here before and I wonder what's going through his mind right now.

"I want to show you something and give you something as well" he says smiling at me a bit shyly.I started to get curious so I ask "What is it?"

He simply sits down and pats the spot next to him for me to sit aswell. I sit next to him and pulls 2 notepads out of his bag. Hands me one with "Jason" scribbled at the front. I look at him weirdly and ask:

"What's this?"

He smiles and simpy says " My notebook, I used to write my thoughts whenever I was confused or hurt, I want you to read it"

I looked at him dumbfounded, does he really want me to read his personal thoughts? "I can't do this Jace, these are your personal thoughts" he just laughs

'I'm letting you read it Em! It'll give you a chance to learn more about me" he said

So I did what he told me and started reading about everything Jason has been through and all his thoughts until one catches my attention

" Sometimes life turns out to be harder than we thought, we starve to be someone we are not and we seem to trust all the wrong people. We lose those who we love and we never understand how, but then we put ourselves at fault because we seem to believe we just weren't good enough for them. We start to believe we need to isolate ourselves in order to let that person be happy. But the worst part is when it's our family, and each and every single day we see their lives fall apart, someone breaks their heart into tiny little pieces and we sit there helpless. Why aren't we born with a book telling us all about life and how to overcome it?"

I felt a tear run down my face and quickly wipped it away, how was it possible that what Jason one day wrote was exactly how I always felt and what I went through after mom died.

"What happened?" I ask

"My sister died when I was younger, it was a really hard time and I know this is hard for you to read but I just want you to know that I'm here to help you, that's why I brought you this..." he then hands me an empty notepad "This is for you to express yourself, I can tell you it will only help you" he smiles. I hugged him tight and say "thank you"

"you're welcome beautiful" he replies gently kissing, we sit there on the football field just enjoying eachothers company and completely forgetting about school until I pull out a pen and open the first page of my notepad quickly writing 

"Life may be hard but sometimes it gives us new hopes in bringing us someone or something that could possibly change our lives"

"What did you write?" Jason asks

"That's for me to know and you to find out" I say, not giving away that he is my new hope,

"Alright miss mystery." he says laughing.

Finally the bell for lunch rings and I decide it's time to head home, I don't feel like going to classes and staying here is a definitely no no. Jason couldn't take me so I decided to walk and just think freely. Maybe what Adam is doing to me right now is a life lesson teaching me that I need to depend on myself and learn how to independetly be myself. With that thought I decided I needed a change. A good change.

*This is it for now but I promise next chapter will be longer. I will try updating at least once or twice a week depending on how much I write. I apologize for being a bit deep right now but hope you enjoy it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx *

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