Chapter 11

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AN************ I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while but I completely forgot and I end up napping when I come home from school. I promise to try to make time for this story.. for now enjoy this chapter :) xx **************

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Chapter 11

Jason's POV:

As I was driving to Em's house I decided to stop by the grocery store and get some chicken soup and some crackers. When I arrived at her door I was feeling a bit nervous, I didn't know how she'd react to me being there. I made my way to the door and knocked but nobody came to the door so I decided to call her and let her know I was outside. After 3 rings she answered

"Hello?" she sounded really sick

"Hey beautiful, are you okay?" I said

"Not really" she replied

"I'm outside, can you come open the door? I've got chicken soup and crackers"

"Thanks, be down in a sec" she replied and I could tell she was smiling. A little later she opened the door with a smile on her face.

"Come in" she sai while opening the door wider so I could go in.

"How are you feeling?" I asked as I hugged her, she broke away and said

"A little better"

"I thought I'd come make you some company and bring you some soup" I said smiling at her.

"Thank You" she replied.

I couldn't help but keep looking at her, even though she's sick she still looks beautiful. We walked into the living room and she turned the tv on while sitting next to me on the couch.

Emily's POV:

When Jason called this morning and said he was outside I couldn't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach flying and flying and now having him here next to me feels strangely perfect. I never thought that one day I would fall for someone like I'm falling for Jason, I also never thought I'd have someone care for me like Jason does.

"Are you feeling better?" he asks looking down at me

"Yeah" I reply looking up at him. I can't help but get lost in his eyes, they hold so much mystery and they just drag me in. He leans in and so do I and we kiss. His lips moving in sync with mine make me believe that I can count on people to care for me and it makes me forget the loser of a brother I have. We break apart and Jason smiles at me, I lay back down on his shoulder and fall asleep.

Adam's POV:

I was sitting at lunch with Tiffany, she kept talking to Trisha about the party at Josh's house and what they should wear, I can't understand girls and their obsession with looking good. My thoughts tuned out the conversation while I thought about how my relationship with Emily keeps going down hill.... wait.. Where's Jason? ... Is he?? No way!! Jason and my sister in the same house? No way in hell amd I allowing that. I saw Alice walk by

"Alice' I called after her

"Adam, hey" she said giving me a fake smile

"Have you seen Jason?" I asked clearly sounding mad

"uh.. Isn't he spending time with his dad ?" she said

"I don't know, he isn't talking to me" I snapped

"No wonder" she said and walked away

I decided to call my dad and ask if he had seen Jason go in our house.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Hey dad it's Adam" i said

"hey son, do you need anything?" he asked

"hmm, well did Jason go to our house this morning?"

"No why?" he asked

"Nothing, talk to you later bye" i quickly said hunging up before he said anything

Where the heck is Jason?? He better not be with my sister. After everything I've heard I don't want him near her. I sat back down at the table while Tiffany kept talking to Trisha.

Tiffany's POV:

I noticed Adam's worried expression and I knew my plan was working, destroying his relationship with his little naive sister was easier than I expected. Adam was giving his attention to me and ignoring like the good boyfriend she is. I've loved Adam for as long as I can remember but Emily was always an obsticle in the way but now that I've finally made him notice me she's going to pay for never let me have a chance with Adam. Jason came at the right time and making up some lies about the new kid was never a crime. *Mental Evil Laugh*


AN********************Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I'm not a big fan of it but here you guys get a sneak peek at the reason why Tiffany hates Emily so much and wants her to stay away from Adam but there is also a reason to why Emily hates Tiffany. For now I'll leave it for you guys to find out.

____> Picture of Jason and Emily on the side. Took me a while to make it but I think I did a pretty good Job. Is anyone #TeamJason??? He's an absolute sweetheart. xx

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