Chapter 9

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AN ************** I really hope you guys are enjoying the story, I hate that I’m not getting any feedback so I really don’t know if you like or not. If there is anything I can improve on than let me know. I really want you guys to enjoy. I will try to upload more often and try to make the chapters longer.. promise. ***********


Chapter 9

Emily’s POV:

The next morning I woke up to a very quiet house, I did my usual morning routine and walked downstairs to find a note from dad saying "I had to work early, Adam stayed at Tiffany's! Love dad" I frowned at the thought of Adam at HER house.

"OMG! how am I getting to school??? Adam is my ride!! SHIT SHIT SHIT" I started pacing around the kitchen getting breakfast and thinking who can I call?

"OH YEAH! ALICE!" I said out loud.

I grabbed my phone and saw a text from Jason,

"good morning beautiful xx" I smiled and replied "morning stud xxx" and then called Alice,

"hi babycakes" she said excited and i laughed

"morning sweetcheeks" I replied

"what's up?" she asked

"I don't have a ride" I frowned

"Where's Adam?"

"One Word" I replied and she said " UGH Tiffany"

"Well I would drive you but I have a doctor’s appointment and I'm not going to school, is there anyone else that can take you?" she asked

"I don't know" I replied frowning

"What about jaseywasey?" she said making kissing noises, I laughed and relied "I'll try"

"alright bye babycakes"

"Bye sweetcheeks"

I hung up and decided to text Jason

 " Hey Jace, can you give me a ride to school? Xx"

He instantly replied "my pleasure ;) xx" I laughed and waited for him to come.

10 minutes later I heard his motorcycle and walked outside locking the door behind me, he climbed off and made his way to me cupping my face in his hands and kissing me sweetly, I smiled and he said "hmm definitely a good morning " I laughed and said " thanks for taking me" he looked at me and said "my pleasure, but where's Adam?" I frowned and said "Tiffany's" he frowned as well and said "eww" I laughed again and so did he. We climbed on the motorcycle and I held tightly to Jason as we drove to school.

We climbed off when we arrived and the first thing I saw was Adam and Tiffany making out… Ugh what a sight…

“If I wasn’t having such a good morning that would have made me throw up” said Jason looking disgusted

“I agree” I replied

He bent down and whispered in my ear “See you in class” and walked away but not without looking back and winking at me, I smiled and walked to class. When I sat down I realized I was alone for the rest of the day and I had to sit with Adam and Tiffewwny, well I still had Jason who made my insides turn and my heart jump out of my chest. I wonder why he hates Tiffewwny so much.. mmm I’ll have to ask him.

 I was sat in class listening to Mr. Fisher, who surprisingly does not smell like fish, when my phone vibrated, I had 3 text.. 1 from Alice, 1 from Jason and 1 from Adam? I looked at Alice’s first and read “How was your ride with Jaseywasey? ;)” I smiled and looked at Mr. Fisher for safety and quickly replied “as a matter of fact, perfect :D”,

than I looked at Jason which said “I’m taking you home after school so we can go out for ice cream xx “, I felt my cheeks heat up and replied “Sure Mr. Maron :P xx” and the only one left was Adam, I was scared of opening it and when I did it shocked me

“Why did Jason drive you to school? Can’t you do it yourself?”

“Maybe if you hadn’t left me home all alone I wouldn’t have to call him” I replied coldly

“You didn’t have to call him, what about Alice and Stephanie?” he asked, why is he so mad all of a sudden?

“Doctors appointment. What’s up with you?” I asked

“Nothing” he simply replied and I decided that at lunch we were going to talk.

School went by fast and it was already lunch time, I saw Adam walking with Tiffewwny when she quickly walked away and I made my way to Adam

“You wan’t to explained to me what suddenly crawled up your rearend?” I asked giving him the* im-not-joking *look.

“What are you talking about?” He asked trying to play stupid

“I’m not stupid Adam, all of sudden you don’t talk to me, you yell at me, you ignore me, you leave me and dad alone, you ignore dad, you try to control me, what have I done?” I asked him almost tearing up

“Look  Emily-“ he started but I cut him off

“See! You never call me Emily. You know what forget it, just pretend you don’t know me” I said looking him dead in the eye, he tried to protest “Em” “Emily” “Come on” but I just kept walking away, I walked straight to the tree outside the school and sat behind it crying until I heard footsteps. I was ready to yell at Adam but instead Jason come to me and hugged me tight

“I heard everything” he said while hugging me

“I hate him” I coldly said

“Em he’s your brother, he’ll come to his senses” he said kissing the back of my head

“I hope so” I said snuggling closer to Jason

We stayed there for so long that by the time we were ready to go back school was over, we hurried to his motorcycle and he drove us to the ice cream parlour. Jason is the only person who can make me smile right now. We finished our ice cream and Jason was going to take me home

“Can we go to the beach instead?” I asked giving him my best puppy eyes. He laughed and said

“Sure puppy” He then drove us to the beach where we sat at the same spot where we told each other how we felt. He placed his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to I could lay my head on his shoulder.

“I could stay here forever” I said looking into the ocean

“I’d stay with you” he said and kissed my forehead. I looked up to find his soul seeking green eyes looking directly at me, he leaned in and so did I until our lips finally touched. The kiss was sweet and gentle but soon it got more passionate and heated, I bit his bottom lip teasing him and he just moaned making me smile through the kiss, he licked my lips begging for entrance and I gave it to him, a kiss was not turned into a heated make out session where Jason was laying over me in the sand. We broke apart and he just stared at me

“What?” I asked

“You’re so beautiful” he said. My cheeks were burning and I tried to look away but he kept my face right underneath his. He pecked my lips and said “I really do like you, I can’t get you out of my head” while looking me directly in the eyes. I smiled and said

“I feel the same way” he smiled widely and sat up grabbing me into a hug. He then sat me in between his legs and we stayed like that until I had to go home.


*********I wasn’t going to upload tonight but I did … I wrote this chapter while I was at the mall with my mom, I got bored so I started writing it on my ipod. I hope it’s not bad and I hope you enjoy it :) ******

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