Chapter 4

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*** Posting Chapter 4 because I haven’t updated for a while ;) *****

~Chapter 4 ~


Adam’s POV:

The first week of school was now finally done and my brilliant mind decided to throw a get together at the beach near my house, we’d have a bon fire and just have a good time. Jason was helping me organize this genius idea, he and Emily had been acting a bit weird around each other, it’s so obvious they are attracted to one another.. I’ll have to talk to him about that.

I heard the door bell and instantly knew it was Jason, I opened up and he greeted me into one of our handshakes

“Yo Dude! This is gonna be epic” I grinned at him. He laughed and said

“Then let’s get cracking” We laughed on our way down the path to the beach, we had coolers with ice and drinks, wood for the fire, marshmallows for smoores, blankets and music. This was going to be a promising night. I decided it was time to question Jason about my sister.

“Hey Jason, what’s going on with you and Emily?” he looked at me confused and replied

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know, seems things are bit awkward between you two” I stated

“I haven’t noticed” now he was trying to play dumb with me

“Dude, I know you like her”

“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about” really dude?

“Don’t even lie, I see the way you look at her and the way you smile when she’s around” he looked at me defeated and I smiled

“Is it that obvious?” he asked nervously

“Kinda, I gotta warn you, don’t hurt her” I said concerned

“What do you mean? I would never hurt her, I don’t even think she likes me” he is absolutely blind

“Dude, she looks at you the same way you look at her, since the day you first walked in she was drooling over you” He smiled really wide

“Thanks man, that does help”

“Thank me later, but really don’t hurt her, she never had a boyfriend and I don’t want you to break her heart” He looked at me as if I was lying

“She never had a boyfriend? You’re kidding” unfortunately I wasn’t , Emily always kept to herself, people thought she was a nerd but she’s just a day dreamer, I always hated the way people treated her and when mom died I decided that had to change.

“I’m serious, her guard always gets the best of her” he smiled sadly but I said “I’ll help you, I know you really like her” He came over to me and embraced me in a man hug . . . I laughed and we continued to set everything up. I walked home and told Emily to get ready because she was coming.

Emily’s POV:

I can’t believe my brother is actually dragging me along to his little beach get together, I got ready and tied my hair up, I wasn’t in the mood for this but since Jason is going I really want to see him.

I walked down the path to the beach, lucky for us we lived a 5 minute walk from the beach, I walked through a tree and noticed everyone either dancing or having their own conversation … I jumped when I heard “Hey” behind me,  I turned around to see a laughing Jason

“Jace, you scared me” he smiled

“Jace? I got a nickname?” I blushed and said

“It’s only fair since you call me Em”

“Good point” he grabbed my hand and said “Let’s go have fun”

I looked at our hands and smiled, I wish we were more than friends, but I know he would never be interested in a girl like me. I saw my brother and he winked, I looked confused until I looked at my hand which was still being held by Jason. He gave me an Arizona and walked me towards my brother.

It started getting dark and everyone was dancing around the fire, I watched from the side line and my brother and Jace danced crazily until Jace looked up at me and smiled making his way to me. He sat next to me and said “hey”


“Why are you by yourself?” he looked at me and I could barely breathe.

“I’m not much of a dancer” he smirked before grabbing my hands and pulling me into the “dance floor” we started dancing and laughing at the same time. I was having fun for the first time and all thanks to Jason.

Jason’s POV:

As it got darker everyone decided to sit around the fire and roast marshmallows, Emily was sitting next to me and I couldn’t help smiling every time she looked up at me, the happiness in her eyes made me happier than I have ever been. She started to shiver so I got us a blanket, she thanked me and I pulled her closer leaving my arm on her waist, she blushed and I couldn’t help but grin. I got a text and when I looked at it I couldn’t help but feel nervous  

“Just kiss her already dude! – Adam”

“Jace, I think I’m gonna head home” she looked at me with a sad expression

“I’ll walk you, it’s dark”

She stood up and so did I, I got another text from Adam, this once saying “Way to go bro ;) – Adam” He’s getting me even more nervous. We walked in silence until we reached her front door, she turned around and said “I guess I’ll see you at school Monday” I looked into her eyes and I couldn’t help myself, I caressed her cheek as a rosey tint grew into it, I kept my gaze on her eyes in case she was hesitant of what I was about to do, I started to lean in and I saw her eyes close, I felt her lips on mine as they started to move in sync. It was like fireworks; I kissed her for a while longer and then broke away. I smiled at her and said “See you at school” while walking away.

Emily’s POV:

He leaned in and kissed me. It was like I died and went to heaven, even though it was my first kiss it felt like the best kiss ever. He walked away smiling after saying

“See you at school”

I couldn’t move. I was hypnotized by one simple kiss. I walked inside the house and ran to my room, jumping on the bed and smiling like an idiot. I fell asleep that night thinking about Jason and the kiss.


**** Yes I made them kiss, I couldn't help it... it doesnt mean they will start dating, it just means they now know they like each other ;) .. Hope you like it ;) xx **********

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