Chapter 8

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AN*******Hello!! I hope you are enjoying this story. It’s my first so it’s definitely not my best but I am trying to make interesting and to do so I have to skip a few days ahead. I hope it’s gets more interesting from now on , they might be going on an official date *wink wink* and I was also thinking of having maybe a school dance in where Jason invites Emily, just tell me what you think and enjoy xx********


Chapter 8 – 2 weeks later J

Emily’s POV:

It’s been 2 weeks since I first started hanging out with Jason. We’ve been getting to know each other better. I learned that he loves baseball but has never tried out for the school teams because he was shy, he hates jocks, he loves every type of music literally and he’s somewhat afraid to take risks. My brother has hung out with us some of the time and since he got a girlfriend he’s been very distant, I don’t really like her but if she makes him happy than I’m happy. 

School had been long today, I felt exhausted and I needed to relax, I made my way to the parking lot where my brother and Tiffany (his girlfriend) were.

“Hey guys” I said smiling

“Hi” they simply said, “Get in Em! I’m in a hurry” said my brother. He drove me home and immediately drove away so instead of going inside I made my way to the beach. Walking and being alone was something I always enjoyed doing, the peace and quiet always helped me relax. I got to the beach and saw that it was actually empty so I just sat near the water and stared off into the ocean. So many thoughts were going through my mind at that moment, Jason, my brother, Tiffany and they suddenly drifted off to my mom. I miss her so much, I wish she was here to help me grow up and be a wonderful woman like she was.

“I miss you mom” I said while looking at the sky, “I wish you were still here” I felt a tear leave my eye and I cleaned off I didn’t need to be crying right now. Life is not as bad as it used to be when everyone turned on me.  I was drifted from my thoughts to my phone when “What makes you beautiful” by One Direction started playing, I saw that it was my dad so I decided to answer.

“Hey dad” I said into the phone

“Hey sweetheart, where are you? I just got home and you’re not here”

“I’m at the beach, I’ll be home soon” I said

“Is your brother with you?” he asked and that made me frown, Adam used to come find me and stay with me without saying a word.

“No, he’s with Tiffany” I simply said

“Alright, don’t be too long”

“I won’t , bye dad” and with that he hung up.

I soon drifted back to my thoughts, except this time it was about Jason. He is everything I look for in a guy, he’s sweet, caring, respectful, generous, somewhat flirty and somewhat mysterious and he’s really funny. What I love the most is his green eyes, every time I look into them I just get lost and it feels like we’re the only ones that exist at that moment. He makes me feel special and he certainly is special to me. I kept thinking about the possibilities of us dating when I felt a tap on my shoulder; I looked up to find Jason’s green eyes.

“Hey” I said.

“Hey, I went to your house looking for you but your dad said you were here” he replied.

“Yeah, I like to come here and just stare I the ocean” I said while he sat down beside me.

“Is everything okay?” he asked with concern

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