Chapter 7 - Part 1

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AN: ************* Sorry I didn’t upload sooner but it was a long weekend and I went out for most of it and didn’t have time to upload….This chapter will be the end of the date, I’m thinking of it as in 2 parts … the second will be about Emily’s thoughts of the day as she talks to her friends and Jason’s thoughts talking to Adam..... But with no further do here is chapter 7 part 1 enjoy xx *************

Chapter 7

Jason’s POV:

By the look on her face I know I shouldn’t have asked her about her mom, I could see tears for me in her eyes.

“I’m so so sorry Em.  I shouldn’t have asked” I felt so bad seeing her this way.

“It’s okay; it’s just hard to talk about it” she smiled lightly

“I understand, should we continue our walk?”

“I’d love to” she said while smiling at me.

We stood up and I placed my arm around her and brought her closer in a comforting hug, she smiled up at me and I swear my stomach did flips. We continued our walk until it was lunch time and we had to go eat.

Emily’s POV:

Jason was being so sweet about this situation, I felt bad not telling him about my mom but I just wasn’t ready, a little less than a year ago I lost her, I can’t even think about it, it’s too hard. He pulled me in a comforting side hug and I was okay with that.

“Where do you want to eat? He asked

“How about we just go for tacos?” I asked, unsure if he wanted to go

“Sure, lead the way”

We walked down the street to a little Mexican restaurant, I knew the owner, he is my father’s best friend Jerry.

“Hi Jerry” I said when we reached the entrance

He smiled at me and nodded at Jason and said “Hola Emily, what can I do for you today?”

I smiled and said “Can we have a table for two and your amazing Taco meals?”

He laughed and said “You always come here for tacos, come this way”

We sat down and Jason looked confused so I decided to say “He’s my father’s best friend” he simply nodded and said “Oh”.  The food arrived not even 5 minutes after we had sat down. We ate in silence but it wasn’t awkward, it was comforting. After our date he drove me home on his motorcycle and I felt like my dad was just absolutely perfect.

We arrived and he walked me to my door step, I smiled at him and said

“Thanks for today, it was lovely” His smile widened and he said

“Glad you enjoyed it, I’ll see you at school” he then kissed my cheek and I felt like my world had stopped and it was just me and him. I walked in smiling like an idiot and went straight to the window to see him leaving.


*******Sorry this is short but I got writer’s block and a new idea for the next chapter at the same time… so I wanted to get this one over with :$ … enjoy **********

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