Chapter 1

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"Good morning Mr. Smith! Slept well? Anything you need help with? You know I'm always happy to help!" smiled Y/N at the elderly man dressed in a green shirt, black pants and a green hair scarf covering his grey hair.

"Ah, cheerful and full of energy as always I see. " said Mr. Smith while taking his gloves off "I might actually have something for you. As you can see Link was supposed to be up by now, but he is still fast asleep. That poor kid was keen on helping me till late at night. Would you be so kind and wake him up? I still need to finish this sword. " He smiled and pointed me to the correct direction.

When I walked in I had to snicker a laugh. Link was half off of bed, his hair looked like a nest and the snores...dear Hylia how haven't I heard them when I walked into the house! Well at least we know he slept well. I carefully pushed Links upper body back on his bed surprised how he hadn't woken up.

Hero or not he surely likes his beauty sleep. After a bit of thinking and poking his head, clapping my hands and whistling I decided to try something else... "HELP!! PLEASE! Somebody help!" Link jumped out of bed ready to fight holding a pillow in his hands. He looked around the room with wide eyes scanning for any possible enemies. Once he realized there was no enemies and in fact he was in his room his eyes soften as he sat on his bed. "You know you could have done that differently, right? You almost gave me a heart attack." he said rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry!! Your grandfather sent me to wake you up. Its almost lunch time you know!" I smiled. Okay, yeah..looking back at it and considering what he went through just few years ago I really could have done it differently but hey it worked so...doesn't matter, it's not like I can go back in time and change it. " Well I'll see you around!" I waved Link goodbye before leaving completely I stopped by Mr. Smith to inform him about my job well done. "Alright! Link should be up. Anything else I could do to help?" Mr. Smith looked up from the sword in his hands thinking if there was anything only to shook his head "I don't think I have anything else for you young lad. But maybe other people in the village will. Try asking around."

I waved Mr.Smith before running off asking other people if they needed any help. Lady June gave me a list of herbs to collect, Anju needed help with the cuccos and May asked me to pick up some flowers.

Once I was done with the cuccos I headed for the woods. I have a special spot there! I usually go there when I'm sad but I just wanna hang out somewhere nice. As I near the spot I can already hear the little waterfall and my favourite flowers start to show here and there.

"Ah, finally!" I ran through the last bushes that were in a way. I just love this place! The little waterfall and river, the rocks and the beautiful swift violets all around! It's a perfect place for relaxation or a small nap. If you're lucky you might see some deers or squirrels. I thought I saw a small mouse looking creatures here but that could have just been my imagination or simply just a mouse.

After about two hours of just playing with the water I decided to head back and collect what I was tasked with. While walking around the woods I picked the herbs and some shrooms for cooking, not only for myself of course! for others too! I guess I'll have to stop by Miss Chai and give her those. I was halfway out of woods when I heard howls not so far away. Just then I realized the sun was almost down. I need to hurry up unless I wanna be wolves' food. I picked up the pace hoping the wolves weren't that close..oh how wrong I was! There he was right in front of me, not gonna lie he was majestic! He was just there watching me. I stood still not trying to provoke it. We spend some time like this just looking at each other until the wolf decided to come closer. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to hurt the animal nor I wanted to scare it by screaming for help and I know if I ran I had no chance.

He came close enough to sniff my hand. I was frozen in place out of fear I closed my eyes ready for it to bite my hand off only to be met with the softest fur I've ever touched! I opened my eyes surprised I didn't expect for a wolf to be friendly! I patted his head gently as I squatted down to be at its level.

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