Chapter 5

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Once we made it to the camp most of the others weren't there, I saw Time, Sky and Hyrule. They were all doing their own things. Time was going through a few maps; my guess is he is trying to figure out where we are. Sky was doing some wood carving and Hyrule was sorting his stuff, mostly just counting potions and bandages.

"Your hand is bleeding." Wilds soft yet worried voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Huh? Sorry I was kinda lost there...Could you repeat that?" That made Wilds face fill completely with worry. "Your hand is bleeding. Are you feeling okay? Why didn't you tell me?" My face lit up with realization "Oh! That? Pff- it's just a scratch. I'll wash it in a lake and it'll be fine. No need to worry." I smiled a reassuring smile at Wild. That only made him furrow his brows. "That is no way to treat an injury. Go and see Hyrule about that. Let him check and do his thing.". I sighed in defeat "You sound exactly like Link. Can I at least help you put these away?" I motion to the twigs in my hands with my head. "Nope. I can handle it. Just give them to me and go."

I did as I was told and hesitantly approached Hyrule. "Hey" I waved at him hesitantly with a smile on my face. "Hey, what's up?" He looked up at me with a nice welcoming smile "Please sit down unless you mind a bit of dirt." He scoffed. "Oh please, dirt never hurt anyone." I sat down across from him. "So, what is going on?" I laughed nervously "You see, Wild found me in the wood, then we were searching for twigs and wood to use for fire and maybe just maybe we ran into some bokoblins..?". He was just staring and blinking at me for a few seconds before speaking "So...injuries??" he looked at me confusion written over his face. "I wouldn't call it an injury. It's more of a scratch but Wild insisted on having you check on it. I would just wash it in a lake.". Hyrules face turned to a serious one "Where is it?" I showed him my hand that was pretty much covered by dried blood. He gently took my hand inspecting it. "Wait here. I'll be right back."

After a while he came back with a cloth and bowl filled with water. "I'm going to wet the cloth and as gently as I can wash away the blood, okay?" he said kneeling right next to me. "Okay" I said unsure of this. Usually, I take care of my injuries by myself or have Link do it. This is As he was slowly and carefully working, he started talking again, to distract me I guess. "How did this even happen? I mean yes, you said you ran into bokoblins but how come you got injured?"

"Heh. Funny story. I actually saw them and went to inform Wild but before we could return to the camp one boko jumped at Wild aiming for his sword but I pushed him out of the way ending up with the boko on top of me. Two more showed up so Wild was busy plus I told him not to worry about me. I know how to defend myself. That thing even tried to bite me but it messed with the wrong person. In the end we got rid off them." I proudly said.

"You must be pretty strong then. Those guys weight quite a lot." Hyrule hummed finishing washing all the dried blood away. "Huh, you were kinda right. It isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it'll be better if we just heal it right away." Hyrule gently squeezed the palm of my hand while looking at me with a soft, comforting smile "This might feel a bit weird but I can promise you I wouldn't do anything that wouldn't help you. Trust me in this, alright?"

I smiled back at him "So far none of you gave me a reason not to trust you. Well maybe except for Warrior but that is just intuition kind of thing. Tell me, is he a ladies' man??"

"Heh, you bet! He is also annoying and self-centered."

"Now. Now Leg. That isn't a nice way to talk about your own teammate."

"Legend! Twi! Hey guys, how it went?" Hyrules face lit up with excitement upon seeing his friends come back alright, in one piece and with a good mood.

"I would say it went pretty smoothly. Not sure Leg would agree with me tho." Twilight said pointing at Legend with his thumb. "And you are correct! We had to deal with a bunch of monsters but at least we can rest now. No more monsters in this area. ALSO what are YOU doing here?" Legend said pointing at me.

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