Chapter 4

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I couldn't read from Links face if it went well or not, nor I could from Times. I just watched as Time approached me and Wild "Any food left?" "Oh! Yeah! Here!" Wild handed Time one of the plates I was holding and taking a second one leading Time to the cooking pot. "W-wait! Where do I put these?" I raised my voice hoping Wild could hear me but apparently he didn't. I watched him hopelessly unsure of what to do.

I felt someone tapping on my shoulder and when I turned around I was met with Sky. "Oh, hey Sky. Do you by any chance know where do these go? Wild was about to show me you can see, he is a bit busy at the moment." I said trying not to sound too awkward. He smiled and started walking away. I just stared at him unsure if I should follow. He must have noticed me not following him as he stopped in his tracks to turn around and wave for me to follow. I quickly ran to his side apologizing for misunderstanding.

"You don't really talk much, huh?" I said as we were on our way back to the others, not realizing how badly that sounded until it was too late. "I-I'M SORRY THAT CAME OUT RUDE! I didn't mean it in a bad way!" I quickly apologized feeling stupid for what I just said. I just hope he is not offended or mad. I fought with myself to look him in the eye scared of his reaction but to my surprise a soft smile painted his lips. He reached inside his pouch and took out a small notebook with a pen, writing something before handing the notebook to me. I looked at him once more making sure I can read it as he nodded his head encouraging me to go ahead. I carefully opened the notebook and read "You don't have to apologize I get it. I know the others are talkative. It just takes me a bit longer to feel fully comfortable around new people. It's similar to what happened to you when you first met the others in the woods." I looked at him with wide eyes. "You're struggling with this too?!" I said not believing this. "All this time I thought I was weird! I mean I've never met anyone who is struggling with the same thing." I said handing him the notebook back. "Do you know why this is happening?" He thought for a sec tapping the pen against his chin then writing something down. Soon enough I had the notebook back in my hands. "Not sure. For me it usually happens around new people or when I'm stressed, anxious or I've spent too much time around others.".

"Okay, yeah. I got really anxious when you came back with the others back then. So I guess that'll explain." I scratched the back of my neck nervously handing him the notebook back once again.

"Y/N, I need to talk with you." I jumped a bit not noticing Link standing next to me. "Geez, stop giving me spooks!" I scolded Link trying to compose myself and calm my beating heart. "Well excuuuse me! But it's not really my fault. I thought you saw me." I glared at Link giving him a death stare knowing damn well he hates it. "Okay! I'm sorry! Can you please stop now? It's really scary." I laughed raffling his hair "I'm sorry too, I know you don't like when I make that face. But on the serious note, what is it you needed to talk about?" Link looked at me and then at Sky. "Not here." He took my hand and started walking away "Tell the others we'll come back!" I waved bye to Sky and let Link lead the way.

Once we entered Links house he started packing his swords, shields, potions and various of magical items. "Waitwait wait, what are you doing? Why are you packing all your stuff?" I was confused and scared now. Is he going on another adventure?

Link stopped packing and came closer to me "You maybe wanna sit for this one." He took my hand leading me to a table pulling a chair for me to sit on. I did just that but now I was really worried. Whenever he told me to sit down before telling me anything it meant it was bad, really bad.

"The guys at the Inn are all heroes of Hyrule- "

"WHAT? B-but how? In the history records there has been only one hero before you? And that was centuries ago!" I stood up from the chair not believing what I just heard. Link put his hand on my shoulder gently pushing me to sit down.

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