Chapter 6

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Time seemed to pass way faster than usual. The sun was setting down making the sky seem like a pallet full of warm colors. The last orange streaks of light shining and bringing the last warm hugs, before the cold and dark night comes, shining between the trees and leaves.

Hyrule said Link was okay, but he needed rest. Since that I haven't moved away from him. Even though Hyrule said he was okay my own thoughts won't let me rest. I've been watching his chest rise and fall for quite some time. I don't even know how much time had passed since I was allowed to sit by his side. I just want for Link to wake up...and say, "Hey I'm fine." but I know that may take some time.

"Hey, how are you holding up? Any changes?" Hyrule asked with a soft and caring voice as he walked into the tent. He did that every now and then, he was checking on both of us. "Still the same..." I answered quietly. He looked at me with concerned and a bit worried expression, gently rubbing my back in comforting circles. "You should go and eat something at least. Wild cooked some soup and- "

"I'm not hungry." I spat out; I didn't mean to sound so harsh but...I was just tired and worried.

Hyrule jumped back a bit and looked even more worried now, but he didn't plan on giving up. "Look, I can see that you are exhausted and probably didn't even sleep properly for the past few days. You will collapse on us if you don't let your body rest. What would he tell you?"

"Probably that I shouldn't worry so much and that he went through worse injuries than this...aand that I should go and eat even if I'm not hungry." I said quietly keeping my head low as if I was being scolded. He gently squeezed my shoulder reassuringly with a soft smile on his face. "Then go and eat something. I'll stay here watching over him for you. If he wakes up, I'll let you know immediately. I promise."

I let out a sigh standing up and walking towards the exit looking at Link one more time before leaving the tent completely and joining the others around the campfire. Of course, I had to have all eyes on me...great love the attention.

"Well look who decided to show up." I heard Warrior snicker from the other side of the campfire. He was sitting on a tree log next to Time and Twilight. Deciding to ignore his comment I went to sit between Wind and Paint.

"The hell happened to you? You look like our old man over there!" Wind giggled crouching in front of me tilting his head slightly upwards to look me in the eye. "Language, Wind." Time and Warrior both warned Wind at the same time. Wind just folded his hand over his chest dramatically sitting back down on the log with a huff and a frown on his face. Making me crack a small smile.

"He can make pretty funny expressions, can't he?"

I looked at Paint with a small smile still on my face. "I mean...That was kinda funny but also kinda cute."

Suddenly I heard a sharp gasp next to me. "WAIT! You think I'm cute!? Well dear Lady! Am not cute! I'm a strong and feared pirate! I've explored the sea and fought with monsters way bigger than you could even imagine. Have you ever tried to fight an octorok of the size of an island in a storm in the middle of the ocean?! No, I don't think so. But guess what? I did and won!" Wind exclaimed with a big grin, clearly proud of himself.

I was in awe. He was so young and to think he fought with a monster that big...It was hard to believe. Paint leaned closer to me with a small smile on his face, softly whispering into my ear so that only I could hear what he has to say. "Aaand here he goes again. Don't believe him fully...He likes to exaggerate the stories from his adventures."

I had to snicker a laugh. "And how do you know it's not true. Maybe there is a big octorok somewhere. Plus, he said he was in the middle of the ocean. I never left the village unless I went to visit Zelda with Link so I have no idea what monsters are hiding in the ocean, but I know that ocean is big and I'm sure there could be a lot of monsters and creatures that could be really big just hiding deep within the water."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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