Chapter 2

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I've been rolling on my bed trying hard to fall asleep but I simply couldn't. This isn't the first time, I couldn't get a proper sleep for the past two weeks or so. I tried herbs, meditation even went to a doctor but they never helped nor found the cause of my insomnia.

I looked out of the window that was by my bed looking still at the dark sky. It couldn't be more than 3am since the moon was still out shinning bright. I stared at the night sky for a bit longer appreciating the beautiful stars and the full moon until I grabbed my sweater and headed outside for a walk. Now, I'm not stupid I grabbed my dagger with me I know it can be pretty dangerous to go out alone during the night.

The walk was peaceful, cold breeze washing my face. I closed my eyes and let the nature absorb me. I could hear the crickets play their songs, the wolves howl at the moon in the distance, the carillons playing a melody as the wind moves them around. I took a deep breath enjoying every second of this. "You shouldn't be out at this time of the day, something could happen to you." I swiftly turned around only to find Shadow standing behind me leaning on a tree. "Gosh don't do that! You really scared me." I sigh out of relief. "Not that I care or anything but what are you doing out here for the third time this week? Something bothering ya? A nightmare perhaps?" Shadow left his spot to join me at my side "or you just like to see me?" he smirked looking at me. "Pff- as if. Dream on Shadow" I smiled bopping his nose making him blush a bit and continuing on my walk around the village. Shadow shook his head and quickly joined me again at my side.

We walked quietly for a while until Shadow broke it "Seriously, what's up? I know you're a heavy sleeper and you love your rest. This is so unlike you." I looked down keeping my eyes on the ground, I guess the stones and dirt are more interesting "I...I don't know. I tried everything I could but...nothing helped.". In all honesty it was making me sad, I love to sleep and the dark circles under my eyes didn't really look good. I'm always trying to seem energetic and happy but in reality I'm really tired. "BUT that's fine! I'm fine you don't have to worry plus hey at least you have someone to talk to!" I smiled at Shadow hoping he won't be addressing this anymore. He studied my face but thankfully he just shrugged and let go of that topic. Instead, he told me about a prank he is planning on Link.

We talked for a few hours until I decided to head back and try to fall asleep again.

I was awoken by the sound of cuccos alarming 7am. I didn't want to get out of bed at all!! It was nice and warm in here unlike the temperature of the room. But I still have work to do. I closed my eyes mentally preparing for the cold air to hit my burning skin. Okay Y/N on three. 1....2....3! I quickly kicked the blanket off of myself and stood up chattering my teeth, quickly rubbing my arms to get rid of the goosebumps and shivers. After my morning routine and getting ready for the day I walked out of the door ready for whatever life decided to throw at me!

The weather was nice today, sun shining bright, birds singing, no clouds in the sky! Hopefully today will be a good day.

I walked around the village as always trying to help people with their daily tasks. Like right now I'm helping Miss Pita and Mr. Wheaton bring bags of flour to their storage! Well, that was until I saw the group of guys from yesterday. Huh? Where's the wolf? I'm pretty sure he entered the Inn with them. I shrugged not wanting to stick my nose in other people busyness and continuing on my way not really paying attention to where I was going apparently as I bumped into someone. I fell to the ground the heavy bag landing on top of me knocking some air out of my lungs and white dust covering bits of my clothes making me cough as I breath the flour in. "Are you alright? I'm so sorry I should have paid more attention to where I was going." Said the man apologetically picking up the heavy bag off of me holding it on one of his shoulders, stretching his free hand for me to take which I thankfully did. "No, no. That was my fault. I wasn't looking which I'm very sorry for." I smiled apologetically while dusting my clothes off. "Where do you need to take this?" "I can't possibly make you do my work especially after I bumped into you." "It's no big deal plus I could have prevented it. Also "no" isn't an answer for me." He smiled "So?" I sigh "Just behind that corner. I will lead the way.".

We walked in silence and I was beginning to feel uncomfortable so I broke it "I'm really sorry about all of this." He looked at me with soft eyes "I already told you its fine. Plus it reminds of home. I used to do work like this all the time! Moving heavy bags, boxes, chopping wood, herding goats into barn..." "So, a ranch boy?" "Heh, you could say that." He chuckled. "Oh, we never introduced ourselves! I'm Y/N. What about you? Or should I keep calling you ranch boy?" I tried to tease him a bit, I don't know why but I feel safe around this guy. "I'm Li- Twilight. Call me Twilight" "Ookay well I'm glad we met! Oh and you can set it down here!" I said pointing to a door. "Mr. Wheaton will take it from here. Also thank you so much for your help!" "No problem, it's my job anyway. I mean helping people." Twilight scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Would you like to come for lunch? I mean as a reward. I feel like I owe you." I said playing with my hands nervously. "Thank you for the offer but I already said it was fine plus we have a cook on our team." He leaned close to my ear to whisper "He can get pretty annoyed when someone doesn't want to eat the food he cooked." He snicker a laugh and I just simply giggled "Alright. But the offer is still here." I smiled at him not noticing Link watching.

"Who's that?" Both me and Twilight stumbled back a bit thanks to that spook. "Link! Hey, this is Twilight! He helped me with a task I had. After I bumped into him" I mumbled the last part hoping Link didn't hear. "Link?" Twilight asked studying Link. "Yes, that is my name. This village is under my protection. Are you one of the travelers that entered yesterday?" Link made his way towards me and Twilight taking my hand in his and slightly tugging me behind himself, his eyes never leaving Twilight. "Yes, yes am. We mean no harm. If you want I could introduce you to the rest of the group." Twilights voice was calm yet stern. He surely meant what he said. Link looked at him once more "Sure. I don't see why not." Link looked determined to face whatever outcome could come out of this still holding my hand in his. "Um..Link?" he looked at me as if he doesn't know he is holding my hand this whole time. "You are still holding my hand..." I smiled at him awkwardly. I didn't really mind it but I'm just not used to physical contact so it's a bit weird. "Right. Sorry!" Link let go of my hand smiling at me while scratching the back of his neck with one hand.

"Do you wanna go now? I'm sure Wild wouldn't mind sharing food with two more." Twilight said pointing to the direction of the Happy hearth Inn.


Chapter 2 done! yay! Im planning on drawing the Links and writting some info about them. Im not sure how much time that would take but please be patient. Dont be affraid to ask anything! You can even ask Links. I am sure they would not mind. 

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