Chapter Four

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The bar that Emma and friends frequented was close to Starfleet Academy in San Francisco. It was called the Bronze Rabbit and no one ever knew how the owners came up with the name. They had stumbled upon the hole in a wall place one day after a long day at the Academy. All of them decided they enjoyed it, so it became the place Nyota, Jim, Leonard and Emma would go to the past ten years. Unlike many of the bars in the area, the Bronze Rabbit wasn't modern. It was built in the 21st century and the inside never changed aside from necessary ones.

It was always loud and there were always people going in and out 24/7. The food was amazing and the drinks were cheap. She had eventually introduced Chris and Spock to it. It had been months since Emma had visited the bar. She had gone a few times by herself, but it just made her sad. She stood outside the front doors for a moment. She was having a difficult time convincing herself to go inside. It had been a long day and she had a lot to think about still regarding her future with Starfleet. She supposed a drink would be the perfect remedy to soothe her nerves.

When she walked in the bar, no one hardly paid her any attention. She scanned the room to pinpoint where her friends were. They were of course at their usual corner of the bar. It had been their designated seat for years. They even had carved their names into the wood with the permission of the owners. Nyota was the first to notice her. She jumped out of the booth and ran over to her friend.

"Emma!" She said surprised and wrapped her in a tight hug. "I'm surprised you came."

"Me too." Emma admitted to her.

Nyota motioned for her to sit next to her and Spock. Jim, Scotty and Leonard sat across from them. They all already had drinks in their hands. Everyone looked relax with the exception of Spock. That was just his half Vulcan nature though. It had taken them years to finally get Spock to go out with them. Secretly she thought he enjoyed himself.

"Shots! We need shots!" Jim declared and flagged down the bartender.

"The hell we do. I'll be carrying your drunk ass home just like I always do." Leonard protested causing Emma to snicker.

Jim clasped his shoulder. "Lighten up a little, Bones. It's been a while since we've all been together. I think that causes for celebration."

Bones grumbled to himself, but took a shot from the tray anyways. "We're getting too old for these antics."

"Probably." Jim said and raised his shot of whatever liquid the bartender had put in the shot glass. "I say we make a toast to Captain Pike. One year ago we lost an incredible person."

Emma felt her throat tighten at the mention of her husband. She was worried that they had forgotten what today was. Then again, it was probably the reason why Jim invited her in the first place. She didn't need to be alone on such a hard day. She pressed the glass against her lips and felt the burning sensation of the liquid go down her throat. She looked around at all of her friends and felt the need to say something.

"Um, this past year hasn't exactly been easy for me, but...thank you, all of you for being there for me. It means more than you'll ever know." She spoke quietly.

Nyota reached over and gave her hand a gently squeeze. "Of course. We will always be here for you. Even when you ignore our messages."

Everyone, including Emma laughed at her comment. She knew she had not been the best friend the past year, but she was thankful they were understanding. She still had a long way to go though.

"Mmm, I love this song." Nyota placed her drink on the table and forced Spock to stand up. "Come dance with me, Spock."

"I do not see the logic-" Spock said, but was cut off by his girlfriend giving him a look. "Please, lead the way."

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