Chapter 20: Feeling Spoilt

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A/N: note the pic for later in the story!
Maggie's POV,

"Mags," Brad kisses my lips softly, waking me up from my somewhat peaceful sleep. I smile and kiss him back, with just as much softness.

"Yes?" I eventually pull away.

"Nothing, just got bored of waiting for you to wake up, though you do look beautiful when you sleep." He smirks slightly at me, pulling me in closer to him.

"You have a show tonight don't you?" I ask, biting my lip as I think about their schedule. It's so weird, they usually have a day apart from each concert but it's two concerts in each place. Guess it's hard to perform all the time.

"Yeah, but I've sorted out a day for us!" He smiles at me, and I lean up to kiss him.

"What are we doing then Simpson?" I pull away and lift an eyebrow cockily.

"If you call me Simpson then the plans will have to change," he says through gritted teeth.

"Alright I'm sorry Brad, now tell me?" I pout and he shakes his head.

"There's clothes that Ari brought down, saying you could use them before yours arrive today. Oh just a heads up, me and you have to share my bunk bed at the tour bus," he smirks with lust in his eyes.

"Oh, I'll have to talk to Joe about that, I can't share with you! Ew!" I act disgusted and jump away from his grip. I see Brads shocked and disappointed face and can't help but burst out laughing, I kinda feel bad, but not much, his reaction is priceless.

"Oh my god you were joking! Oh my god!" He laughs and I laugh with him. Then I take the clothes and go to the ensuite. I had a bath with Brad yesterday, so I don't need a shower. I wash my face and brush my teeth before getting changed and putting my hair into a pony tail, I can't be bothered with it today. It really needs a change you know? It's been brown or black all my life, I'd love to try a new hair colour, maybe now I could?

"God you took ages!" Brad pushes past me once I'm out. "I need a piss!" He laughs and shuts the door. What the hell am I doing with this freak? I joke, I couldn't imagine my life without Brad again. If I think about it, Brad and I had kinda been through hell and back. And somehow we are still together and growing stronger each day. I'm thankful for Brad and everyone that I got to meet. Imagine if I took the wrong turn around that corner and never bumped into James? Life would suck.

"You ready?" Arms suddenly snake around my waist, making me jump, but then relax into them when I realise it's only my Brad. I stay in his embrace for a while before realising that I should probably reply.

"Sure, but where are you taking me?" I ask, hoping he'd tell me.

"You'll see when we get there, but I know you've mentioned both of these things before to me!" He smiles showing me his teeth, I grab my phone and purse, putting it into my bag which Ari brought down. Note to self: thank her later.
"What the?" I raise my eyebrows in shock. We were stood outside of the LA's finest hairdressers.

"I asked Ariana for a suggestion, but they would book it if I called, but the moment she did and mentioned you, we got a place, well you did," he intertwined our fingers and wakes us in.

"Miss M Merrygold and Mr Simpson, very nice to see you, let me guide you," said an old man, in a suit may I add. Is this what celebrities get? That's so cool! We get lead to a room where there are mirrors everywhere, kind of like a dance room, however there a sink, chair and everything else as there would be at a hairdressers. Woah.

"Hi my name is Lesley and I'll be doing your hair today, any ideas how you'd like it?" She asks. I look at Brad, in shock, and he gives me a cheeky wink. Oh Brad, not now. His winks could drive anyone up the wall and out of their mind.

"Yeah, I'd love to go lighter, blonde and brown?" I ask, she nodded and got to work. She said she didn't want to change the length of my hair, which I agreed with. (Pic on top/side)

A few hours later and my hair was done. I couldn't believe it was me.

"Thank you so much," I thanked her before running into Brad's arms. He hugs me and strokes my hair.

"Thank you so much, this is amazing," I kiss his lips. I feel spoilt. I'm scared what the fans will think. I'm mentally preparing myself for hate of 'how I'm using Brad'.

"You're not using me babe, and if the fans have a problem I'll sort it," he chuckles.

"Did I think out loud?" I look down, embarrassed.

"Let's take a pic of you, you look stunning," Brad says and I pose, letting him take it.

@TheVampsBrad: loving @MaggieMerrygold 's new hair! Totally didn't have anything to do with it;)

"It's cute," he leads me back and we wait in the cue. I get my purse out, getting ready to pay.

"Now, I don't think so," he pulls me in closer.

"Brad come on! You do enough for me already babe, just let me pay," I whine. He just smiles and shakes his head. We have a little fight but he wins and I have to give in, meaning he's paid.

"I'm paying for whatever is the next thing!" I puff as we walk to his hired car, fingers intertwined.

"See, you can't do that either," he opens the door, let's me get in before shutting it and getting into the drivers part. "Because that's already paid for too, just enjoy yourself Mags, you deserve it." He places his hand on my thigh and starts the car.

I don't deserve it. I don't see how, I'm nothing special.

"Yeah you are, you're well special to me, you should learn to think inside of your head you know, we might be out somewhere, and if you have inappropriate thoughts about me, hmm, that could be embarrassing. Just let me please you," he smirks. I give in and look out of the window.

We soon arrive at a fancy looking restaurant. I feel so bad, I know most girls would be over the moon about this and their boyfriend treating them, but I felt bad because I didn't pay for anything.
"Thank you for everything," I smile at Brad as we get to his hotel room.

"Thank you for coming." He replies, changing into some more casual clothes, he has to sound check soon. While he still has not got a shirt on, I walk up to him, as connect our lips. I love how we don't have to say anything, but we still can share cute and romantic moments.

My hands trace around his bare torso, making random patterns. He bites my lip softly, which makes me gasp and he takes it as an opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. I mean, I would of happily allowed it anyway, but this wasn't bad, I'm not complaining. Just as it got more heated there was a knock on the door. Brad cursed under his breath and put on his shirt which he had in his hand.

"Hey Tris," he lets him in, "you know just when to knock it come through the door," Brad mumbles causing me to laugh.

"Oh sorry bro, just that we'll be off soon," he sends Brad and I a smile, and I return it.

"Love your hair," he compliments me.

"Thank you,"

"You ready?" He asked Brad.

"Yeah, Mags you coming?" Brad asks and I nod.

The rest of the evening consisted of watching them sound check, watching their concert and feeling proud of my boys. It was great to catch up with Summer, Lizzie and Jemima. Ariana also rocked the stage, and sent me a wink at one point.
Hey! Hope you like it? Brad is being so cute omg. Tris why you interrupt my feels-_-
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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