Chapter 33: New House And Nandos

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Maggie's POV,

"I think I've got everything that I brought over," I tell Brad as I shut my suitcase. Joe has found us a massive apartment in centre London, and wanted us to move in as soon as possible.

"Good, I'll take you clothes shopping soon," he hugs me from behind.

"Brad I can get my own stuff," I giggle, leaning into him.

"Oh just let me treat you for once!" He argues.

"You do enough for me already Brad, I really couldn't of asked for a better boy," I turn around and leave a sweet kiss on his lips.

"Still, don't plan anything for tomorrow, we'll probably want to go for house decorations anyway, so might as well make it in one trip," he says.

"But-" I start but he cuts me off.

"No buts, I'm treating you and that's that," he says and connects our lips. If we didn't have to move today I could think of something better to do...

"Should we take these down?" I suggest as our lips part, and I immediately miss them, even though his are only a few centimetres away from mine.

"Yeah, let's go," he says grabbing his phone off the side, mine is already in my pocket!

When we go down Brad takes my bigger suitcase while I take my smaller one, such a gentleman! We stand the suitcase by the door and wait for Joe to arrive in the van. He has already picked up Tris, Lizzie, Jemima, Connor, James and Summer.

"It was great to see you again," Anne comes and hugs me then Brad, mumbling some things into his ear.

"I've made you all some food for the journey," she hands me a little bag full of food and goodies.

"Awh thank you Anne that's so sweet," I hug her again. Derek has already gone to work and so has Nat, though we said our goodbyes earlier this morning. Soon Joe appears at the front door and we leave.
"Shall we leave them asleep?" I think Tris whispers.

"No take a picture! Their hands are intertwined and head are together! It's cute!" Lizzie squeals, oh this will be either cute or a disaster, up to how bad my hair is! Soon I hear the camera noise and a few seconds later my phone buzzes. I open my eyes and see them all looking at Brad and I.

"What?" I rub my eyes, letting go of Brads hand.

"Nothing, we're here," Con shrugs. I nod and wake Brad up by literally shoving him off the seat.

"Ou watch the hair!" He mumbles.

"Love you," I smile and walk out of the van leaving Brad inside. Soon her joins us.

"There's 7 keys, so one couple have to share one..." He states.

"Wouldn't trust Tris with a key anyway," Lizzie blurred out making us all laugh.

"Hey I only lost the other one twice!" He tries to defend himself, but then just pouts earning a kiss from Lizzie. They're so cute.

"Right, if that's sorted here you go, there's furniture in there, choose your rooms wisely, there's one in the attic, fight over it!" He chuckles.

"Bagzied!" Jemima and Connor shout at the same time making us all laugh again. I've missed these guys so much! I'm so glad we all get to be together again. I can't believe I left these amazing people for some stupid job in America! How stupid of me...

When we walk in its all modern! The kitchen is massive, black tiles, black workshop, black island with built in lights. It was amazing!
The living room had a white theme with four leather sofas, a massive TV and a coffee table as well as some decorations. It look cute and homely. I don't know how all the other bedrooms looked because a balcony caught my eye. It was overlooking the busy road, but it was one of my dreams. I always wanted to live by a busy road, so the sound of cars could help me sleep, don't ask, I'm weird ok?

"This one should be ours," Brad intertwined our fingers. I look up at him.

"Sure? If you don't like it we can have a different-" he cuts me off by his lips connecting with mine. It was a good way to shut me up to be honest.

"I'm sure," he smiles. We look around, we have our own ensuite, a walk in wardrobe and a queen sized bed. It was perfect. It was a creamy colour theme with some fairy lights going around the ceiling of the room. It was so cute, I loved it already. Joe brings us our suitcases.

"This is my favourite," he says before leaving.

"It's perfect for us," I smile at Brad and he nods. Unpacking is a pain, but putting out some framed photos which Brad had of us have it a better look and feeling, and it didn't take us that long since we didn't have that much stuff.

"You guys joining us for going to nandos? We live like 10 minutes away from it," James pops his head in.

"Sure," Brad and I agree. I realise I haven't been on Twitter very much lately so I decide to tweet.

@MaggieMerrygold: I haven't forgotten you guys! Just had some things to sort out! Did you know you can pre order mine and @ArianaGrande new single😱? Get it here:

I tweet it and soon see Brad retweeting it but adding to it.

@TheVampsBrad: so proud of my girl😍

"You're so cheesy it's cute!" I giggle.
"How do your fans know we'd be here?" I ask Brad quietly as we walk behind the rest to Nandos, only for there to be loads of fans.

"James's tweet, why don't you girls go order and we will join you?" Con answers. We nod and order for ourselves and the boys, and get ourselves a booth to fit us all in. Half an hour later the food arrives as do the boys. They are all smiling from ear to ear. This makes me so happy, seeing them happy from seeing their fans. The fans who support them and love them.

We all tuck into our food not wasting anymore time. That's when I get a text.

1 new Text from: Unknown
I see you, enjoy the meal, don't know how many are left beautiful;)

I look around but don't see anyone on their phone. This is starting to get really creepy, and I'm getting scared.

"Mags babe you Okaii? You've gone pale," Brad puts his hand on my thigh.

"Yeah just got a headache," I lie and eat some more.

Unknown POV,
I wouldn't hurt her. But I want her to be scared, I want her to suffer. I want her to be so scared that she doesn't want to leave the house. The police are after me, but I don't care, she will pay.
Sorry for any mistakes not been checked!
Who's this unknown person?;)
~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

He Let Me Fall ~ Bradley SimpsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora