Chapter 23: Gabrielle And The Tide

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Maggie's POV,

"It sounds so cool!" I tell the boys as they tell me more about meeting this band.

"Yeah, there's four of them, so far they only have one cover on MP3 which they sent Brad and Joe, but soon they'll do YouTube covers! They could support us on our upcoming tour!" Connor blabs on and on. Bless him.

"Think you're getting a bit carried away, we might hate these guys!" James point out.

"Well I hope you guys get along! Joe, how long until we are in New York? I was hoping to catch up with one of my older friends," I politely ask, well it's not very polite, but you know.

"I think the driver said we're expected to arrive at the venue at 12:30, but if you need we can drop you off before?" Joe suggests.

"Could you drop me off at Greenow street? It's a Main Street, I'll be meeting her at that Starbucks, then I'll get a taxi back or something." I smile and Joe just nods and disappears to go and talk to the driver. I'm so happy that the boys have such a good manager, he basically loves me.

I go to the bunks to get some of my stuff which I'll need. I pick up my white handbag and put my phone in it, before I feel two arms wrap around me.

"Hello Simpson," I smirk though he cannot see, obviously, he's behind me.

"Hello Merrygold," he replies, cuddling into the back of my neck. I giggle, since his curls tickle my skin. I feel so safe in his embrace, is that possible? To feel such protection from another person being? We stay in the embrace for a while, just enjoying each other's company, until the bus goes over a ramp and pulls us apart for a little while.

"You'll be okaii in New York alone? Sure you don't want me to cancel and go with you?" Brad asks me, intertwining our fingers and looking down at me.

"I'll be fine, I'm meeting Gabrielle and her new boyfriend, she said she couldn't tell me who it was because of paparazzi privacy. She even had to phone me the place we were meeting so he wouldn't get mobbed!" I tell him and he chuckles.

"Who is this guy? Harry fucking Styles? God it'd be awesome if I met him..." He goes off subject.

"I don't know, she didn't tell me, but we'll see!" I giggle and put in my purse, along with some make up, just in case.

"You excited about meeting this band?" I ask him, and he nods eagerly, making me smile.

"This is quite big for us, along with this second album, God Mags, how did we get so far?" He pulls me in and kisses my forehead. I pull away slightly so I can see him.

"Because you're extremely good at singing, you have the best personality and you're sexy as," I add, without thinking about what I'm saying. Someone shoot me. Now. I look down and feel my cheeks heat up. Oh god.

"That sounded so good coming from your lips," he bites his lip, but I look straight down after.

"Maggie, you're stop is in a few minutes!" Joe shouts up.

"Thank you!" I shout back before pulling on a white cardigan, which Brad helps me with, being the gentle man he is.

"I hope everything goes well, I'll see you before your show," I kiss him quickly.

"I'll see you," he lets me go. I walk down the stairs and by the door. Fans immediately swarm the bus. I quickly jump out and let the bus go on, the fans following it. Why are there so many here? I've not told anyone.

I walk into Starbucks and order myself a latte. The guy puts my name on the cup, asks for an autograph which I write on a napkin, before I hand him the money and get my drink. I look around and spot Gabrielle waving frantically. I walk quickly, careful not to spill my latte, then put it on the table before hugging the life out of her.

He Let Me Fall ~ Bradley SimpsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora