Chapter 48: A Shaky Morning

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(A/N: Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday Dear Bradders,
Happy Birthday To You!)

Brad's POV,

'Brad Simpson girlfriend Maggie Merrygold spotted exiting the hotel room in tears, and a source tells us shouting could be heard from their hotel room.
Later, she has been spotted down in Plymouths Oceana with a little bit too much to drink, and a mysterious boy helping her into his car. Is this the end for this cute couple? More to come as we learn more.'

"Fuck this shit!" I shout out of anger and kick the wall of the studio.

"Woah Brad, don't know what's up with you today but I'm not liking it." Joe sends me a cold look.

"You know what? I fucked this up! Thankfully James understands and him and Summer are Okaii, but messing up with Maggie, I definitely, I just, I don't even know," I collapse into the sofa.

"Let me read it," Joe asks and I hand him my phone. His eyes widen slightly before they relax.

"For all you know it's someone Janice sent or her old friend, give her a ring or some thing but Brad one thing," he looks at me handing me back my phone.

"What?" I look up to him for advice.

"Don't shout at her, let her explain and don't blame her. That won't help anything," he says and I agree, walking outside and getting ready to call her. I had to have it thought through, I know I can't loose her.

Maggie's POV,
Headache. Second day in a row? I guess I just don't learn.

"You think she'll wake up soon?" I hear a husky voice, and it didn't belong to Brad.

"Let's hope so, I have to go and meet Lisa in a bit and it'd be weird if she was stuck with you," I hear a familiar girl voice.

"Hey, I'm not that bad, else you wouldn't choose to be with me." He speaks, I know the voice from somewhere!

"Harry! Put me down!" She giggles, it's Gabrielle, and of course Harry. I sit up and open my eyes.

"Morning," I mumble, trying to hide my unattractive morning voice as much as possible.

"Mags! Thank god you're up, bet you it would be weird with just Harry in the hotel room." She smiles and kindly hands me a glass of water and some pills. I thank her and swallow them down.

"Yeah, where are we?" I ask rubbing my eyes. I find myself in some of Gabs clothes, how kind of her.

"In the hotel in, still in Plymouth. Hope you don't mind that I messaged Janice for you." She smiles sitting next to me.

"Thanks, I really don't want to sound rude, but how did I get here?" I promise to myself I won't get absolutely wasted again.

"I went to watch you perform at Pavilions, then I was allowed to go backstage once you confirmed you knew me." She says.

"I know that, what happened next?" I ask politely.

"We decided to go out, I guess we weren't expecting you to get absolutely wasted, at least you told me everything. Then Harry carried you to the car while I distracted the paparazzi and then got a taxi here."

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I feel like such an embarrassment. I'm so sorry for causing you all this hassle, oh my god how terrible of me, I feel awful." I sigh looking down at my hands.

"No! Honestly, I'm glad I could be here for you, Harry and I have come down as he needed to see a friend and I arranged to meet Lisa too, Janice is coming in a bit I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer I have to go, but when we're back in London I promise we will meet up." She hugs me.

"Thank you Gabs, I don't know what I would do without you, and sorry to bother you," I hug her back.

"Harry will be shit company by the way." She giggled.

"I heard that Misses!" He shouts from what I'm guessing is a kitchen area. I was on a sofa with some cushions and a blanket.

"Love you really, I'll see you later." She smiles and stands up, gives Harry a kiss and leaves.

"Fancy some bacon?" Harry offers, standing there in an apron over his black jeans and a black button up shirt.

"Yeah please, if you don't mind," I smiles.

"Well since Gab is gone, there is too much breakfast for me to eat anyway, you're more than welcomed to eat it," he walks back. I get up, grab my phone and walk over to the room he's in, sitting on a chair and watching Harry closely. I can see why Gabrielle and him go so well together, they seem to be made for each other.

"I'm proud of how far you've come you know, ever since you stayed the night at our household you've become like a sister to all of us. You're close to Gab, therefore you're close to me to," he smiles and hands me a plate full of English breakfast as well as talking his own and sitting down opposite me.

"Awh, Harry you're a cheese ball, I didn't believe Gabs at first, think now I do, but thank you," I giggle and eat some more of my breakfast. After a comfortable silence and a meal later, my phone starts to vibrate on the table. I look at the caller ID and see Brad.

"Think he wants to talk to you, I'll be next door," Harry excuses himself and I send him a thankful smile. Breathing out a deep breath I answer the call.

"Mags?" His beautiful voice rings through my ears, I smile and bite my lip.

"Hey Brad," I say quietly. I hear him real ease a breath as if it was a sigh of relief.

"How are you feeling?" He asks as if he knew.

"Alright, why?" I lift an eyebrow even though he can't see.

"I've read the article about you going out and then getting dragged out by a bloke, no biggie," I can tell by the tone of his voice that he is hurt. "Did anything happen? Are you alright? Do you need me to come down and pick you up from somewhere or-" I cut him off.

"Brad!" I giggle. "You're so caring, but I'm alright. I was all night with Gabrielle and Harry, except I drank too much a spilled my feelings out to them, so Harry took me to the car and to his and Gabs hotel room," I calmly explain.

"I know it's my fault, I'm sorry, about everything." He calmly replies, this is good, he isn't so jealous as he always is.

"Brad I want time, but thank you for calling and checking up on me, means a lot." I'm really hoping that he understands right now.

"I know, I get it, I'll see you in a few days, I love you," he speaks with hope.

"Thank you, I love you too," I reply meaning it, I don't think it's possible to fall out of love with someone who means so much to me.

After hanging up and helping Harry with the dishes Janice turns up with some clothes and I get changed, placing a thank you note on top of Gabs folded clothes.

"That article has caused chaos! You're so stupid sometimes, you can't go out and get absolutely wasted because you're feelings are all over the place! You need to think about what you do now, the world is watching you!" Janice screams at me in the car. And the award for being the biggest idiot how to Maggie Merrygold.

"I know! I'll tweet something out." I sigh getting an approving nod from Janice.

@MaggieMerrygold: @TheVampsBrad and I are fine. Don't believe everything the media tells you, else you'll live in a world full of lies 🙈
It's so hard to find inspiration, I have a lot of family things going down hill which I'm not explaining to anyone, so if the story lacks on update please don't bother me in DM's, because I won't answer.
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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