Chapter 60: Friday Afternoon

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(A/N: what? Chapter 60? You having a giggle... Thank you so much and don't forget to vote and comment!)

Maggie's POV,

And it's Friday afternoon and Brad is making me pack for this weekend. Well, he wants to leave in around two or three hours but we can't guarantee anything. The last few days were full of interviews and Brad and the rest of the boys had heir own photo shoots and small gigs. Not as in small, just not massive arenas, just something little in towns they wouldn't usually go to give a little to the fans which can't travel as far. It was a success, which is always good.

"You done baby?" Brad hugs me from behind. I lean back into him and enjoy his presence.

"Yeah, just need my tooth brush..." I say and he turns me around kissing me.

"Thank you for agreeing to come, mum is so excited you have no idea!" He smiles. I know how much his family means to him, and it's good. My family was never great if I really think about it. Real parents hated me and adopted ones have left me one way or another. I was happy to see how much he cares for his mum, sister and dad. Oh and not to forget his girl, Jess.

"I think I do," I giggle remembering how happy she was last time I was around. "I'm more than happy to come to be honest, it's nice to be around your family." I honestly reply.

"I may have forgotten to tell you..." He scratches the back of his neck.

"What is is Bradley?" I smirk. He smirks back before replying.

"Mum may or may not of organised a party..." He says nervously.

"What?" I say anxiously. I'm not a fan of parties or clubs anymore. Something always goes wrong, one way, or another.

"I promise it'll all be fine," he connects his lips with mine, making me instantly relax straight away. It's weird, how he has this weird power over me and I can't do anything about it. I guess that's what love is, trusting someone enough to be able to let them partly control you.

"Promise to stay with me? You know... I doubt I'll have any family there so..." I look down to avoid his eyes, which would probably be kinda hurting. He lifts my chin up with his finger.

"What is mine is yours, including family Okaii? And once we get married you'll be partly related anyway, Mags please, don't let this bring you down." His eyes look deeply into mine, and I get a chance to look deeper into his, seeing his chocolate eyes stare into mine is beautiful. How did I get such man? Not that I'm complaining... But in a few months time I'll be marrying him, saying my 'I do's' and exchanging rings, it's crazy.

"I'll try not to let it bother me, can I  just hide in your room if I feel like I can't take it anymore?" I ask hoping for a positive answer.

"Of course, guests won't go upstairs, mum closes it off, there's a bathroom downstairs anyway so..." He tells me and I smile, hugging him.

"Then I'll do my best," I say and he pulls me in closer.

"Good, I'll put this in the car then?" He asks and I nod, him taking my suitcase. I put my charger, make up and money into my bag. I then go to my en suite and get my tooth brush also putting it into my handbag. I check my appearance and it's all good. My make up is natural and I'm wearing white skinny jeans and a black crop top. I changed by belly button bar to a black one and left my lip ring the black one too. I hardly ever put my piercings in, I guess I wanted to today.

"Your piercing make you hotter," Brad whispers as he hugs me from behind, kind of scaring me at the same time. I giggle and relax in his arms leaning back into him.

"Thanks," I reply to him. I untangle myself from him and pick up my handbag. "Well I'm actually ready," I smile. We say our byes to the rest of our gang and make our way to Brads car. I sat in the passenger seat, since he wanted to drive. I didn't mind, I was quite tired from Janice telling me what we were doing nothing next week. My new single with Nick will come out, and I'm well excited.

I'd lie to you if I say I wasn't nervous for tomorrow evening. All of Brads family will be there and most of his close friends. What if they don't like me and don't support it? I wouldn't want to be someone who he is marrying even though his family disagree with it. Though surely it's not about them and their feelings as much right? It's about what Brad and I feel towards each other right? Non of the other people are marrying me, it'll be Brad, and if he wants to then I shouldn't worry, should I? Why am I so hesitant and nervous?!

"Babe what are you thinking about so hard?" His hand rests on my thigh and squeezes it slightly.

"Nothing?" I say too quickly for my liking.

"You had your thinking face on and you were biting your lip... I know you too well Merrygold." He smirks and I just roll my eyes.

"What if the rest of your family don't like me and don't want us to get married? Like I know your parents and sister support it, but what about your grandparents and cousins and uncles? What if they don't like the look of me with you? Maybe I should take out the piercings?" I can feel myself panic and look down to try to calm down. Brad shakes his head and chuckles, while I look at him confused.

"You're so silly Mags," he chuckles some more.

"Yeah I know..." I say looking out of the window.

"Even if they don't like you, which won't happen because they'll like you I promise. But even if they didn't, it's not them marrying you, it's me and it's our decision. And someone won't change my mind trust me Mags, I love you," he tells me. Those words rolling off of his tongue is all I needed to hear.

The journey didn't take too long. Mostly it was just Brad driving with his hand on my thigh and humming to the songs on the radio. I love car journeys, because I always get to examine Brad that bit more without him realising.

"Ready?" He asks as he parks his car in front of his parents house. I nod and bite my lip. "It's just mum and Nat in today, dads away." He adds and gets out; me following close behind.

His mum is already standing by the door, and Nat is running at Brad.


"You're only sibling..." He mumbles and laughs while hugging her. Anne makes her way to me and hugs me, me hugging her back.

"Let me see!" She squeals Nat joining her.

"At least take it inside," Brad laughs at the three of us, Anne and Nat push me inside and sit me on the sofa.

"Oh my god Brad it's beautiful! You and your dad have similar taste! My engagement ring was similar; just the diamond was a deep purple." Anne tells me.

"And here's me, without a boyfriend!" Nat pouts then we all giggle. I see Brad carrying the bags and offer to help him, though he tells me to stay with them sitting. We talk til late at night, Brad eventually joining us and opens a bottle or red wine.
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