Chapter 53: Letters

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Brad's POV,

"It's not a big deal really Brad," Joe tells me.

"Not a big deal? I want to ask her the question which may change our lives but the media knows and I'm sure by now she read it! It ruins everything Joe, fucking great, don't even give a shit anymore about this whole 'clear image'. Media can go and fuck themselves!" I shout.

"Earlier you were saying that she isn't ready anyway? Just tweet saying its a lie." He shrugs casually.

"Joe I need them to take it down. She might not be ready, but she might be, and for all you know this has ruined everything. I do want to ask her, this is just a load of bullshit." I run my hands through my hair in frustration.

"So you want me to message them to take down the post as its invading your privacy?" Finally, he agrees.

"Yeah please, it's ruining everything Joe. I have no privacy what so ever, and the ring which is in our apartment, oh I don't even know." I sigh and hang my head in my hands. Joe sends me a sad smile and walks off on the phone. I wanted to take her back to Paris and ask her, but now I don't know. I feel like it's all rushed now.

"They've agreed, though I had to make up some other story to do with you guys so they could put it up. You need to be more careful Brad." Joe says and a small weight is lifted off of my shoulders.

"How do I know if she read it?" I say out of nowhere.

"See if she brings it up I guess, I don't know Brad, just hope or some thing. Is this all I can do for you?" He checks. I give him a nod and walk out of his office and make my way to my car. For a few minutes I just sit there behind the drivers seat, thinking about everything, then I get an idea.
"No way," Maggie giggles and takes another sip of her wine.

"Yes way, and then he made a complete fool out of himself, I was so protective. It's weird thinking about the first few days and weeks I've known you. Do you remember when Connor fancied you as well?" I ask lifting an eyebrow.

"Don't mention it oh my days, I can't believe it, but I knew how to choose well." She smirks at me.

"Was I really that handsome?" I can't help myself but ask.

"Pfft no. Okaii, you so were, but don't get big headed," she giggles once more. "But you also had something about you, and that something is still there. There's something about you that draws me to you, it's odd, but not at the same time. It's like you have a certain power over me, like maybe I've become so attached to you now. But no matter what, you will always be my definition of perfect." Her eyes find mine and my fingers bring her face closer to mine. Her breath smells of the wine we have been drinking and her lips taste of it too.

"Is it fine if I take you out tomorrow? Or are you busy?" I know exactly what I had in my mind, if she wasn't busy.

"Don't think so," she whispers and attached her lips to mine.

Maggie's POV,

Waking up without Brad next to me was so weird. Once again, I had no clue where he was, and it reminded me of the past. The past is something I hope to forget soon, but there are always symptoms that let me remember it.

Like waking up without Brad, easily reminds me when he used to go out and drink loads or go to Rachel. Brad and I have been through so much, surely he wouldn't do it again. Why am I worrying anyway? If I paid more attention to my surroundings I'd hear the shower go. Not really having a reason to get up, I roll over to Brads side and get under the covers, trying to sleep that little bit more.
11:30? I swear I closed my eyes for like two minutes, not two hours. The shower isn't going anymore (not surprised, he'd be like a raisin) but Brad isn't in the room either. Instead, there's a letter on my side of the pillow. Opening it, I remember when I had to follow letters ages ago, it was so cute, no one has done that for me before.

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