Three Toes

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New Esteban

Abisai entered to the sight of her home being turned upside down.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!" she hollered. Everyone froze in their steps.

"What is the meaning of this?" she asked. Another member of the 7, Ser LinSintas approached her. "Well, there are allegations of your husband doing witchcraft so we've all decided to search your home."

"Witchcraft? Are you daft?"

"We saw that shockwave over your palace a few nights ago, witch." another yelled.

"Witch? You dare call me a witch you Wombat mole looking half bred."

The guards and Llonzo tried hard to keep their laugh in."

Jaquin and Ser Dontos Spur returned from the dungeons with Ajani.

"It was not witchcraft. Please follow me." she turned around and headed back to the Foyer the guards, Llonzo, Ajani, and other members of the 7 followed.

Xalas was standing next to a cannon-shaped machine. The other 3 who refused to enter Llonzo's home were investigating what the machine was.

"As you all know, my eldest daughter Theia is betrothed."

"Betrothed?" Jaquin asked. "She accepted a proposal? To whom?"

"As a mother." Abisai interrupted. "I want to make sure she has the most extravagant wedding, one that I never had. You all know Alchemist Xalas, he invented this machine that could... Well, I would rather show you all." Abisai smiled and retreated outdoors.

Xalas pushed the machine outside, and they all surrounded it. "Please step back," he warned.

"I must say, it works better at night time," he lit a match. "gentlemen I give you the colored stars."

The fuse burnt up and the cannon blasted many different balls of light into the sky.

They all were astonished by the fire show, echoing ohs and ahs. When it was done they all clapped.

Xalas bowed.

"See? No witchcraft here." Abisai smiled. "Now I would like each and everyone of you to clean my house exactly the way you saw it."

"How dare you." Ser LinSintas snarled, he then looked over to Llonzo. "Please put your wife.."

"Please, start cleaning up my home." Llonzo responded.

"What about the bodies?" Ser Dontos whispered to Jaquin. "We can get him with the bodies."

"We need to find out who those people are and how they died. Or else, we'll be batting at nothing. I now see Llonzo's strength," Jaquin paused rubbing his hands together. "It's his wife."

On the Esteban Sea,

2 days till St. Nereus.

Zaide jumped out of his sleep with cold sweat and goosebumps all over his skin. Demour sat on the top bunk watching him glare wildly at his surroundings.

"Same old dream?" she began.

He looked up at her trying to control his breathing, then rubbed the sweat from his brow and sat up.

"It was closer to me this time, It almost got me." Zaide fondled with his necklace.

Demour got down from the bunk and sat next to him. "You've been having the same nightmare since I met you darkie. The same red dragon clawing at you."

"I wish I knew what it meant. I could feel the steam from it's breath."

"I think you need to ask Geselan when we get to St. Nereus."

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