A King, a prince and an arrow (Pt 2)

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Visteran, the Kings Chambers

King Benjamin didn't sleep all night, it was just before dawn and he watched from his window as the guards patrolled the bay in search of Baelon's body. He started to lose feeling and control of his right arm so he tried to write a letter with his left.

"My lord?" Bracken called out to him from the other side. "We have news."

"Come in." he sighed.

Bracken and Bianca entered his chambers, Benjamin struggled to stand up to face them. "Did you find him?"

"We've been searching all night, your majesty. There's no sign of him."

Benjamin looked to the ceiling and laughed dryly, "He escaped."

"Or he's dead," Bianca voiced.

"That man was raised in this palace, if there was a 2% chance he survived that jump best belive

Benjamin peered at them both "Did you find my son, Aeron?"

"No your majesty. Aeron is still missing."

"For fuck's sake!" Benjamin badgered his expression now rigid, "Did you useless turd atleast find the ship with the baby!?"

Bracken gritted his teeth holding his chin close to his chest in shame, "We did, your majesty. We sunk it to the bottom of the ocean of trades."

The king turned his back to them facing the window, the corners of his mouth were drawn-down. "That should've felt good but it didn't, my entire line has been obliterated" he clenched his jaw then turned slowly back towards Bracken, "Because of you."

"Your line is not obliterated your majesty." Bracken cleared his throat, standing with confidence. "Bianca is pregnant."

Benjamin slowly walked up to her, his face neutral. They were centimeters away then he clasped his hands around her neck choking her.

"My Lord!" Bracken shouted. "My Lord no!"

Bianca's veins raised on her face trying her hardest to gasp for air.

"You whore!" King Benjamin screamed, "You fucking whore!"

His arrow wound started bleeding behind the bandages and he lost grip of Bianca's throat. His body fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Bianca fell in to her uncle's arms gasping for air, Bracken watched the king bled out. Melancholy feelings pumped through his mind as he thought of what he'd do next.

"GUARDS! Come quick!" he shouted.

"No! No Aelfin they'll kill us."

Bracken took one of the King's rings from his finger and placed it on Bianca, "We'll be fine, bend down and cry."

She hesitantly looked down at her hand, "Cry?"

"Do it now!" he whispered opening the windows then running to the doors. "GUARDS!" he shouted.

Bianca hollered at the top of her lungs, the guards rushed into the room passing Bracken to the king's side.

"His pulse is low," one of them panted, "Fetch the healer!"

"Please don't let him die please please please!" Bianca continued.

By the time Grand Maester Borros and the healers got to the King's chambers, his life had already left his body.

"How did this happen?" Borros asked, removing his hat.

"Baelon," Bianca choked, "He was in the Kings rooms all along."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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