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On Yorke Island,

Maxwell Yorke was surrounded by his council in the grand hall. It's been 3 weeks since the king's army laid siege on their castle.

"That salt and pepper bastard." his advisor groveled. "Doomed us all."

"Quit complaining Pascal. We are the ones under siege and they have lost way more soldiers than we have."

"What if he doesn't come back? What if a year passes and we run out of food."

"We are stocked for 2 years' supply of grain, meats, and ale, Cerion made sure of that. We took an oath to protect what he values most until he returns with the dragon. And that is what we are going to do."

In Eucheron,

Cerion and the blacksmith loaded the weapons unto a cart and tugged it through the streets.

"What is your name?" Cerion asked, hopping into the seat next to him.

"They call me Astillo."

"Nice to meet you Astillo."

They whistled at the donkey, who throttled down the street to the port.

"Halt," he whispered to Astillo as he heard the signature gang whistle for trouble.

He whistled back and Cristoff shot an arrow that hit the post on the wagon.

Cerion jumped off. "Stay here."

Astillo pulled out his sword, ready to fight.

"What's wrong?" he asked his gang hidden within an alleyway.

"We have soldiers all over our boat," Cristoff responded pointing to the dock where the soldiers stood guard.

"Minx and Cristoff, with me." Cerion started. "I brought a cart with artillery. The blacksmith is waiting in the street. Limeal, Fred and Titus...."

As he pointed out his friends he noticed three extra men.

"Who are you lot?"

"This is Jespa, he's a really good cook and swordsman." Limeal introduced, "and these 2 are Galagar and Mamon, convict twins who need a way out of Eucheron."

"I'm not running a ferry here," Cerion responded.

"We hear you're going to Dragon Myte," Galagar the tallest and more muscular of the two responded. "I read that there is a palace there, everyone died or fled, leaving those riches behind. We'd like to retrieve them."

"You know that Dragon Myte is the most dangerous place in the world," Cerion stated bluntly.

Mamon nodded. "But when I heard that there were a group of strange fuckers as daring as us to take that trip. I was all in."

"Men with purpose?" Cerion considered. "You're in."

The twins looked at each other and smiled cunningly.

"Galagar, you come with me."

"What?" he exclaimed.

"Do you want to get out of here or not?"

He looked back at his brother who nodded at him,

"Head down to the dock with the cart, do not get spotted. I'm going to make a diversion." Cerion removed his sword from his bag, then sprinted in the other direction with Galagar, Minx, and Cristoff.

Limeal and the rest went out to the carriage, where Astillo sat patiently. "You the blacksmith?" he asked.

Astillo nodded.

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