The Queen to be

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Stegbor froze as the head rolled, all of his men realized the gruesomeness of Demour's act and seized fighting immediately. They exchanged confused looks with each other.

Stegbor realized the situation he was in as Captain Blackfist's first mate. 

"You killed our captain." he mumbled grasping his sword tighter. He looked around and realized the bodies of four of his friends. "You killed my friends."

"I guess you're gonna be a corpse before dawn." Gillion joked.

Zaide's eyes grew dark. Stegbors heart could be heard beating outside of his chest. He looked around ran to the edge of his ship and jumped overboard.

"Coward." Demour remarked.

Zaide looked over at her. "Are you o.."

"Don't ask me that." Demour shot him down. "Lets go find your kid."

Gillion gave him a look taking a deep breath through his teeth.

Finch and Rexifer came over to them. "So what now?" Finch asked.

All the men on deck were looking to Zaide for the next command.

"You need to talk to them." Gillion whispered.

Zaide bit his lip, gathering his thoughts.

"I am not a good man," he started to them. "I have stole, i have killed and I have been on the run since I was of age three." he looked over at Gillion.

"I came on this ship to figure out my destiny, because I know there has to be more to my life than running." he paused and looked over at the group of men from the dungeons. "And I believe there is more to your lives than being locked away in dungeons or starved on ships. I can't promise you a pot of gold or palaces, but I can promise you all a better life, a meaning full one, an honest one."

He looked behind them and saw the lights twinkling on St. Nereus.

"Whomever want's to leave you can do so on the island."

The men looked at each other.

In Visteran,

Before the cock crowed, Baelon ventured from the palace walls on horseback.

Lord Bracken, who was in the stables at the time watched him leave and called his henchmen to follow.

He rode deep into the Emerald forest to a Widow Weep tree. There was thick dense mist in his surroundings which caused his horse to grunt and pant in anxiety.

"You have questions, my son." said a woman, sitting on a bolder to the far left of him surrounded by shrubs.

She wore a long dark blue gown, her head was covered but she had distinctive tribal tattoos on her forehead and hands. "Did you find the unknown?"

"Mother I really have no idea what you're talking about."

"THREE SONS BORN OF LIGHT," The mage shouted with electric currents flashing around her, "THE KNOWN, THE WELL KNOWN AND THE UNKNOWN."

"I am the known mother I get it. But how am I to know whom the well-known and the unknown are!? It's not like you've given me a bloody album.."

"Just the unknown." she interrupted. "The well-known is already in play. You need to find the unknown."

"What does he look like!? Blue eyes? Blonde hair? muscular?"

"He's your kin, when you meet him you'd either want to kill him or kiss him. Keep searching, let Ignitia guide you."

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