•Chapter 12•

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The next few hours were hell for Quackity. He just wanted the storm to be over so he could apologize. He hadn't meant a single word he had said. He was just-


Not at Wilbur. But at himself, at Karl, at this whole situation.

3 fuckings hours go by. Finally the storm clears up and the roads are safe.

"Thank fuck." Quackity mumbles, sprinting towards his car.

He quickly turns on the car, not bothering to check for any issues with it first. He puts the heater on full blast and speeds out of the town towards his country house in the middle of nowhere.

A million thoughts were running through his brain. The only reason he acted the way he did was because-

He cuts himself off as he pulls into the dirt driveway.

"Wilbur?!" Quackity shouts, running inside the house. "Wilbur?!" he yells once again, quickly throwing off his jacket onto the couch. "Wilbur please let me talk to you." he begs as he makes his way to the attic.

"We always seem to end up back here, huh?" Quackity asks quietly as he turns on the lamp and goes to sit in the back corner of the attic with Wilbur. They sit in silence with their knees to their chests for what feels like hours.

Wilbur glances over at Quackity and hears a small sniffle. Quackity quickly covers his face. "Don't look at me, asshole." he says, voice muffled from his hand. Wilbur looks back at the floor. A couple more minutes go by before Quackity speaks again.

"I'm..really sorry Wilbur."

"You should be." Wilbur mumbles under his breath just loudly enough for Quackity to hear it.

"Damn. I deserved that I guess." Quackity thinks to himself.

"But you're right," Wilbur continues "I am annoying and a nuisance and needy."

"No. No Will. You're not. You're perfect and that's- that's the problem." Quackity sighs.

Wilbur tilts his head in confusion.

"I loved Karl so much. But then he cheated on me. I thought I was over him but I..I wasn't. I saw a picture of him and Sapnap on Instagram. They were so happy and it just hurt me so much to look at. And I was jealous. And my car breaking down and the bad weather didn't make it any better. I just want what Karl and Sapnap have. What me and Karl had. I want it so bad. I want it so badly but I can't have it because I want it with you. You and only you." Quackity confesses, not realizing the last sentences he had said until moments later.

No response. Wilbur continues to sit there, looking like he's thinking very hard. Then he inhales and exhales sharply.

"Then why don't we..?" is all he says.

"What?" Quackity asks. He had expected an instant shut down.

"Quackity practically since the moment I've started talking to you I've had these feelings. Feelings I couldn't exactly identify at first until we started hanging out. And over time I finally figured it out. I'm.. I'm in love with you. And we both know damn well these little 'crushes' on each other aren't going away anytime soon so let's just go for it. And if all else fails at least we still tried, right? Maybe it won't be forever. Maybe it'll go down in flames. But you only live once. You only afterlive once. Let's make it count, yeah?"

Quackity stares at Wilbur, still stunned.

"But how would we even?-"

"It doesn't matter, Quackity. We can do our best, okay? As long as we're together that's all that really matters at this moment. Is it not? " Wilbur asks, cutting Quackity off.

Quackity nods. "Yeah.. that's all that matters." he finally says contently with a smile.

Wilbur smiles and gets up. He goes to lay under where the hole in the roof is, even though the tarp is there. He pats the spot next to him. Quackity smiles once more and gets up to go join him on the floor.

"So.. is there anything else you can do as a ghost other than teleport and make people hopelessly fall in love with you?" Quackity asks in a sarcastic, joking tone.

"Well I mean I was saving this for a good time and I think now is one of those so.." Wilbur says, getting up and going to the other side of the attic. Quackity's jaw drops when Wilbur picks up a fucking acoustic guitar. But he didn't actually pick it up? It's like he took a ghost copy of the guitar for himself. The guitar was still physically there in the corner but Wilbur also had his own guitar now too? What the fuck?

"What the fuck? What did you just do? How did you just do that? Can you actually touch things?!" Quackity asks, astonished.

"Not exactly, no.." Wilbur starts as he joins Quackity back on the floor. They both sit up in a cross legged position, facing each other. "I don't know why or how but even dead I'm able to play a ghost copy of my guitar. But that's it. Nothing else. And I have no clue why." Wilbur shrugs.

Quackity's grin was larger than ever. It somehow manages to get bigger when Wilbur starts to strum the song 'Can't Help Falling In Love' by Elvis Presley.

"This was the song when we-" but Quackity couldn't even finish his own sentence.

"We 'held hands' for the first time," Wilbur finishes for him. "That day sort of just confirmed my feelings for you." he laughs.

They both gave each other one more nervous smile before going back to paying attention to the guitar's sweet music. They had no idea what they were doing. They knew deep down this relationship would never stay the way they want it to. But they chose to ignore it. They were so blindly in love they hardly cared at this point. Like Wilbur had said earlier, it didn't matter currently, as long as they were together.


YESS they're finally togetherrrr. the next couple chapters are prooobably gonna be fluff. but dont think this story is over. it's far from over. i already have so many ideas coming for the next few chapters ;)


also thank you SOOO MUCH for the support. 1000 reads already holy shit. y'all are awesome.
bye :]

-novi and gwooloo

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