•Chapter 14•

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"What the fuck do you mean you forgot the fucking tree?"

"I just forgot okay! I've been busy with work and shit like that. If you want I can go out and try to find one."

"Quackity, it's Christmas Eve where on God's green earth are you going to find a fucking tree?"

Quackity sighs and turns on the TV to a Christmas movie channel and gets up from the couch. "I don't know but I'll figure it out. Just stay here I'll be back in two hours tops." he says before slamming the door louder than he wanted on the way out. He wasn't mad at Wilbur but he was stressed. He shrugs it off and drives to the nearest store to grab whatever he could find.

An hour and a half of walking around aimlessly later, he finally found a tree. It wasn't a good tree. But he was gonna have a fucking tree in his house no matter what. He returns home to Wilbur half way through Home Alone.

"Quackity you're back! I- it's pink." Wilbur states as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Wow. Really? I had no idea. Just be happy that I was even able to find a tree at 7pm on Christmas Eve in the first place." Quackity remarks, while struggling to drag the 6 foot tree to the corner of the house. Wilbur watches with amusement.

"A bit heavy, eh?" he smirks.

Quackity rolls his eyes. "Sure is. Wanna come lend a hand? Oh, wait, silly me. You can't. Bitch." he mumbles the last part.

"You still love me though." Wilbur says and smirks.

Quackity scoffs jokingly and steps back to look at the tree, now standing up in the corner of the house. "Do you have any decorations?" he asks Wilbur.

Wilbur nods. "I believe so. There should be some in the shed."

Quackity huffs loudly. He puts on his giant coat and readjusts his beanie. "Well let's go then. It's a cold, cold five minute journey." he says half sarcastically.

Once at the shed, they begin their supposedly quick search around the tiny shed.

"I think they're under the couch." Wilbur points.

Quackity starts to reach his hand under there but stops after he feels a flat book-like thing on his hand. He pulls it out to examine. It was a notebook full of song lyrics.

"Another one?" Quackity asks, holding up the notebook. He starts flipping through the pages.

"Wait that one's um- oh." Wilbur mumbles.

"Why does this one have so much writing and stuff?" Quackity asks. "It's called 'Unfinished Symphony'..?" he asks.

Wilbur sighs. "Just a song I wrote."

"So I wonder as I drift off to sleep, is there anyone who wants me to keep? Someone to show me love and sympathy, is it you, my unfinished symphony?" Quackity reads aloud.

Wilbur rubs the back of his neck. "Yep. And I never found that person before I passed away."

The room goes silent for a moment before Quackity goes back to looking under the couch. "Found them." he finally says. Wilbur smiles. "Alright then. Let's go back to the house, love."


"Hey Siri, play Christmas music." Quackity commands while stringing the Christmas lights around the tree.

"Quackity! The milk is done warming up!" Wilbur calls from the kitchen.

Quackity quickly connects the music to the Bluetooth and meets Wilbur in the kitchen to grab the milk out of the microwave. He pours the milk into the mugs over the cocoa powder. He adds marshmallows to one of the mugs and takes the two mugs back to the living room.

•Unfinished Symphony• (Quackbur)Where stories live. Discover now