•Chapter 19•

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Quackity sighs, staring over at the clock. 11:30 PM. But he can't bring himself to fall asleep.

"Y'know...this is the first time we've been alone without any worries in a while." Quackity whispers to Wilbur, hoping he's not asleep. Ever since they had booked an official Lovejoy gig in a couple weeks, Quackity hasn't been able to catch a break since, meaning he hasn't been spending as much time with Wilbur.

"I know." Wilbur says in quietly.

"Well I can't sleep." Quackity declares loudly, ripping the sheets off his body and standing up. He turns on the lamp and turns to face Wilbur, who's still laying on the bed. "Get up, dumbass. I want to go for a late night drive." Quackity tells him, fixing his beanie.

"Alright, bet." Wilbur says, rolling off the bed, making no sound as he hits the floor harshly. "I'll meet you in the car." "Alright it might take me a sec to get dressed." Quackity says. Wilbur nods and teleports to the passenger seat of the car.

Wilbur sits in the car, twiddling his thumbs while waiting for Quackity. The guilt hasn't left his stomach since their Lovejoy gig had been confirmed. He knows the concert could change the two's lives forever. But he knows it's the right thing, for both of them. His train of thought is interrupted by Quackity slipping into the driver's spot in the car.

"Hey, Ghostbur." Quackity greets happily, starting the car up.

"Hey, love." Wilbur responds happily.

"Mind if I turn on some music?" Quackity asks.

"Not at all, my love."

Quackity grins, connecting his phone to the car.

"Do you think you could play the attic playlist?" Wilbur asks softly.

"Of course!"

'Here With Me' by d4vd plays quietly in the background while the two talk about random stuff.

"Where to, Quackity?"

"I honestly really want to go to Taco Bell to get a taco and a slushie. Does that work?"

Wilbur rolls his eyes. "You really like your American food, huh?" he asks playfully.

"Fuck off, Wilbur," Quackity laughs. "Someday we'll go to America though." he says thoughtfully.

Someday, Wilbur thinks, starting to feel a pit of sadness in his stomach.

"You okay, babe?" Quackity asks, glancing over at Wilbur, concerned.

"Um- Yeah! Just fine! Do you think you could skip to a more upbeat song?"

Quackity shrugs and switches it to the song 'Blueberry Pancakes' by Feelrs.



"BLUUUEBERRY PANCAKES." the two sing together at the top of their lungs as they pull up into the drive thru of the Taco Bell.

"God that song fucking slaps." Quackity mumbles quietly to Wilbur and turns down the song before he talks to the person at the speaker.

"Good evening! How may I help you tonight?" a surprisingly cheerful lady beams, considering it's almost 12:30 in the morning.

"Hi! Can I just get a crunchwrap supreme and a large cherry slush?"

"Of course. Your total is £6.95. Please pull up to the next window."

"Thank you." Quackity says, smiling excitedly, pulling up to the window to wait for the food.

"You're so cute like that." Wilbur says, admiring and taking in the view of the person before him.

Quackity scoffs. "Like what?"

"All smiley and cheery. Like when you get excited over the small stuff. You have a very beautiful smile. It can light up a room." Wilbur says softly but passionately.

"God, that's so fucking corny. I love you." Quackity says, leaning onto the wheel to stare at Wilbur.

"Um, your food.." Wilbur says suddenly. Quackity snaps his head around to see the very confused woman holding the bag out for him.

"Uh, thanks." Quackity mumbles embarrassedly, grabbing the food and driving away.

"Well that was fucking embarrassing." Wilbur laughs. Quackity's face turns red.

"Fuck you, asshole! It's not my fault I'm the only one who can see you." Quackity snaps back.

Wilbur rolls his eyes. "Yeah, but you still love me."

"Yeah.. I know."

"And I love you too." Wilbur says contently. "So where to next?"

"I dunno. Somewhere where I can eat in peace." Quackity says, taking a sip of his slush, keeping his eyes focused on the road. "Actually, I think I have an idea."


"I always drive past this spot and whenever I see it, all I can think about is me and you sitting here." Quackity mumbles quietly, clearly embarrassed by the corniness.

They were sitting on the hood of Quackity's car, staring over a tall, canyon-type landform at a city skyline before them. The area around them had wild daisies and dandelions growing just about everywhere. The stars shone brightly in the sky above them.

"This..this is gorgeous." Wilbur says softly, a lump starting to grow in his throat.

"Whoa, whoa, hey what's wrong?" Quackity says, shocked by the sound of hiccups coming from Wilbur, clearly trying to hold back tears.

"Nothing.. I'm just really appreciating this while I still can." Wilbur says calmly, finally stopping himself from crying, refusing to cry in front of Quackity.

Quackity let's out a confused chuckle. "Um..okay?" he says, taking another sip of his now practically melted slush. Wilbur looks over at Quackity with a goofy smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that, asshole?" Quackity laughs, returning the same, silly, love-filled grin. Wilbur suddenly bursts out laughing.

"You're just..really perfect." Wilbur says, almost on autopilot. Quackity scoffs, clearly trying to hide his blush by pulling his beanie over his face. Fuck it, I'll regret this but I'm in too deep now, Wilbur thinks. He hovers his hand over Quackity's cheek, bringing his head to face him. "No, I'm serious, Quackity. You know exactly what to say and when to say it. You make me feel things I never felt with Sally. Your presence alone makes my stomach twist and my legs go numb. And when you talk, my god, it's like my heart does flips. You make me feel vulnerable. That's.. not something many people can make me feel. Being with you feels like love, like home. And, boy, let me tell you, it's the best feeling ever. A feeling I haven't felt in almost twenty years. A feeling I hardly even felt with Sally. I love you, Alex Quackity."

Quackity stares at Wilbur, awestruck by the heartfelt speech that seemed to have just came up from out of the blue. "Oh my god..I love you so much, Wilbur Soot."

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