twenty five.

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Pairing: MacGyver x FemReader
Warnings: 18+, implied smut, smut, tension, dirty talk, flirting
Summary: The tension between you and Mac had been high. Maybe it was the fact you guys survived dangerous missions together or just plain attraction, but for some reason you guys wanted each other. The desperation and clear lust for one another is bound to break, and it was going to be soon.

 The desperation and clear lust for one another is bound to break, and it was going to be soon

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"You in?" Jacks voice came over the comms as you walked down the hallway of the mansion.

"Yeah, guards at the front door didn't even see me coming" you snickered as you recalled two of the worst trained guards you had ever seen.

"Find Mac yet?" Jack proceeded to ask, mind currently on the task at hand. If he was able to come in himself he would've.

"Not yet. I'm sure he isn't far" you informed him. Of course Mac had to go and get caught while he was in the mansion stealing files on the weapons dealer they were currently trying to get evidence against. It wasn't uncommon for you or Jack to save him while he was in trouble.

"Let me knew if you need backup" rolling your eyes slightly you continued to look through the halls until you finally come upon double doors, the sound of muffled voices behind it.

"Think I found him" you whispered over the comms before pressing your ear to the door. From the sounds of it, it was another two guards conversing, and if they were anything like the other ones this would be easy. "I'm going in"

Preparing yourself you cocked your gun, ready to use it if needed. Gaining some momentum you kicked your foot into the door, and with your luck it slammed into the back of a guard, knocking him over. You had a split second to see Mac was handcuffed to a chair before the other guard started for you. Wasting no time you dodged his punch and quickly retracted back and hit him hard. He continued to attempt to fight but you managed to get him down by kneeing him in the gut and slamming the butt if your gun into the back of his head. Both guards now passed out on the ground you moved to Mac.

"Got him" sounds of celebration followed after they listened to your fight. You clicked your comm off, smirking at the blonde boy.

"Tried to keep you quiet huh?" you teased as you moved to peel the duct tape from his mouth. He quickly stretched his jaw the moment you freed him.

"They weren't much for conversation anyway" he grinned at you and you felt your heart flutter in your chest.

"You happen to see where they put the key to your cuffs?" you asked, looking to free him.

"Sadly no, but I do have my knife" he wore a proud look, already swooning over the fact you just came in here, kicking the shit out of some guys to save his ass.

"Where's you knife Mac?" you asked, crossing your arms, and he shifted in his seat.

"Front pocket babe, but I'm not saying which one" the thing with Mac is he exuded sex appeal. Thing was, you couldn't ignore it. The moment you met him you could feel the tension. It was prominent and there from the start, no reason to hide. So you spent most of your time testing the waters, teasing each other, and waiting for one of you to cave.

"You sure you don't want me to shoot it off?" you asked, waving your gun before shoving it in your holster.

"No point in breaking them babe, I want to use them later" your stomach jumped at the thought before caving and digging your manicured hand into his pocket. Of course it was the wrong one, and the thought your hand was this close him made your heart double in speed. Messing with him you shoved your other hand into the other side, you fingers curled around the metal of his pocket knife before smirking at him.

"I always wanted to get into your pants" you teased and he shifted again, your hands moving dangerously close to where he wanted, and you slipped your hands out just to tease him.

"The invite has always been there" and suddenly he moved his hands out in front of him, already free from the cuffs. Instantaneously you crossed your arms and he dropped the paperclip he had used to free himself.

"I'll get you for that" you pointed at him while shoving his pocket knife into your own front pocket.

"I hope you do" he grinned, standing from the chair. Despite the fact you were still in a very dangerous man's house he sauntered towards you like he had all the time in the world.

"Don't forget I'm the one that carries a gun" you quipped and he smiled, dipping his own hand into your front pocket.

"And I still have these handcuffs" he tilted his head and you let out a breathy sigh as he curled around the knife in your pocket. This was a dangerous game, touching each other so close to where you wanted to be touched.

"I have a feeling you're going to be the one wearing them" you told him and he continued to move his face closer to yours, dipping his tongue to wet his lips.

"I intend to, if you actually come over" he told you, knowing you weren't quite ready to cross that line yet. Hiding from the sexual tension had been hard but you still liked staying professional as well. Yet standing here, him towering over you, who gave a fuck about professionalism. In seconds you launched your arms around his neck, hungrily kissing the blonde boy.

"Fuck" he cursed as he continued to kiss you back just as feverishly. Your hands were everywhere, attempting to discover every piece of each other you hadn't yet. Tugging on his hair he let out a throaty moan and you hummed in satisfaction. Slowly he worked his way down your neck, hands squeezing your ass as he undoubtedly left a deep purple mark on your neck. You weren't even sure what planet you were on, the fact you were technically working now completely lost on you.

"Mac" you moaned and he removed himself from your neck, grinning at you and your lusted out expression. He hoped you had that same dazed look after he fucked you.

"I know baby, knew we'd be this good" he whispered and you smiled before he pressed his hot mouth against yours again. Your tongues roamed every inch of each other. You were so turned on you weren't sure how this was going to work.

Your hands crawled under his shirt, scratching at his bare skin. He removed one hand from your ass to cup your breast and you moaned into his mouth, him completely muffling the sound. This egged him on to continue fondling you. He wished he could do it without the barrier of clothes, ravish every inch he possibly could.

"Oh God!" the sound of Riley's voice over the comms broke you out of your trance, and you jumped away from the gorgeous boy.

"Everything okay?" Mac asked, and you nodded before pressing a hand to your ear.

"Riley, what's going on?" Mac realized it wasn't anything he did as you responded to comms that he had lost when he was captured.

"You weren't responding on comms, I finally hacked security footage. I saw you, I saw, uh-"

"What did you see Rye?" Jack asked and a deep crimson covered your cheeks as you lifted your head to see the security camera in the corner.

"Nothing, she saw nothing. Me and Mac are on our way" you spoke and the boy snickered, following your gaze to the camera, and giving a little wave.

"Okay, we'll see you soon" Jack said and you sighed as you clicked off your comms again.

"Did she enjoy the show?" Mac asked and you rolled your eyes, lightly slapping his arm.

"You just got us caught, you jerk" you spoke and he continued to grin.

"At least I finally got to kiss you" he said and you sighed and started for the door. Quickly he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back, kissing you quick enough you couldn't respond. "So am I seeing you later?"

"You think after that I could say no?" you smiled and he chuckled before you turned back around, holding his hand in yours as you rushed out of the building.

You always knew MacGyver could push you over the edge, you just had no idea falling would be so fun.

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