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Pairing: Mac x Reader
Warnings: mentions of death, fluff
Summary: after being kidnapped Mac had finally found you, already in critical condition, but the escape was messy and an explosion had gone off leaving the both of you injured. Mac was pretty much fine but you on the other hand were stuck in a coma. It isn't until Mac had uttered the 3 words you had been waiting to hear you had finally gotten better.

 It isn't until Mac had uttered the 3 words you had been waiting to hear you had finally gotten better

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Jack paced the small hospital room. He had been doing this for the last day and a half and it seemed he was wearing a hole in the floor. Bozer and Riley every so often checked up on him but he would just send them back to the ICU to look over their other patient occupied room. Claiming she needed the support as well but he couldn't leave Mac. From the moment he met Mac he was meant to protect him while he diffused bombs and the one time he wasn't with him one managed to go off, hospitalizing him and another beloved member of the team.

Suddenly the blonde boy started to stir and Jack stopped pacing for the first time in a while to join his side. As soon as Jack grabbed his arm the boys eyes fluttered open to reveal the alluring blue hue. "Hey buddy it's okay, you're in the hospital"

Mac groaned slightly as he tried to sit up but Jack pushed his shoulders back so he would stop trying. "You need to rest. You bruised a few ribs"

"How long was I out?" Mac's voice was groggy and Jack grabbed the cup of water on the table beside him. As soon as Mac took a sip he answered.

"Just a day and a half, you took a big blow" Mac sighed and handed the now half empty glass to Jack who set it back on the table. Mac pressed the palms of his hands to his eyes as he tried to remember the last thing he was doing before all this happened.

Then finally it hit him. The terrorists Y/N's father worked for, her getting kidnapped, it taking them 2 days to find her, getting to her half conscious, bruised, and covered in blood splotches body tied to a chair with rope. Carrying her out as he waited for the others to catch up, then the bomb that blew from the other side of the concrete wall. Removing his hands he started to get out of the bed.

"Woah buddy what are you doing?" Jack held his hands up to stop him but Mac wasn't even paying attention to his own pain. He just wanted to know his girlfriend was okay.

"Where is Y/N?! I need to see her!" Mac continued his movements but Jack stopped him again. He was hoping the blonde boy wouldn't remember for a bit longer. The girl had been in a worse condition.

"Mac I need you to calm down" Mac stopped and his blue eyes settled on Jack's sympathetic ones. At this upset look the worry buried deeper in his stomach.

"She's okay isn't she? Please tell me she's still alive" Mac's voice squeaked at the end of his sentence and Jack pulled up a nearby chair to sit in front of the boy. It was best he knew everything before he saw her.

"She's in critical condition Mac. She has a few broken ribs and she had to go into surgery for some internal bleeding. The Doc's think most of it happened before the explosion even went off. Then again the blast didn't help her already bad situation. She's gone through hell Mac" Mac gulped as he heard this, tears pooling in the bottom of his eyes. He would kill that dirt bag father of her's. To put his own daughter through that much torture.

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