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Back To You
Pairing: Mac x Reader
Warnings: just fluff
Summary: based of the song Back To You by Selena Gomez

Back To YouPairing: Mac x ReaderWarnings: just fluffSummary: based of the song Back To You by Selena Gomez

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It was day number 365.

It was just another day yet it wasn't because here you were lying awake staring at the bright red numbers that glowed 12 am into the room. Officially day 365. 1 whole year and here you were wide awake thinking about him again. Suddenly you realized you must've not gotten any sleep this past year.

Rolling over you spotted the bare back of the male beside you. This wasn't right. It was never right. Sighing you rolled again to face the ceiling. For the past 2 months you had kept returning to this house to try and keep the thoughts of him away but much to your surprise it didn't work. Now it was day 365 and it made you realize you couldn't do this anymore.

Rolling back to face the clock it was now 12:02 am and you didn't feel any better. Quickly standing up you slipped on your jeans and grabbed your purse and heels. Every day it felt like you did the walk of shame out of this house. Just never this early. As soon as you sat in the car you tried to convince yourself to just drive home and eat away all the feelings. But some force was pulling at your heart and that was the only explanation you had for starting 20 minutes in the opposite direction.

By the time you got there it was 12:30 and it took you another 30 minutes to work up the courage to walk up to the front door. This was silly. Everyone knew it. But this was unfinished business and at the end of the day you couldn't help but want to be in his arms and do it all again. No matter what all you ever wanted to do was go back to him. And with that thought it got you to ring that doorbell fresh at 1 am.

It took a moment and then the front entry lights flashed on and the nerves rushed up your spine and made you stomach sick. Now you half expected Mac to be shirtless, opening the front door and looking shocked to see you but instead Bozer had opened the front door and as soon as he spotted you his eyes went so wide you could barely tell you just woke him up.

"Y/N what are you doing here?" your stomach turned at the idea of explaining but at the end of the day Bozer was one of your best friends and he would understand any situation you were in. He was just that kind of guy.

"Would you believe it if I said I got lost on the way home?" Bozer immediately noticed what was actually going on here and ushered you inside.

"No, but I could never refuse a visit from you. Even if it was 1 am" Bozer led you to the the kitchen and started brewing some coffee for the both of you. It wasn't hard to notice that all the pictures of you had been removed from the room.

"So what are you actually doing here Y/N?" he asked as he handed you your coffee, made to the exact way you liked it. Only Bozer would of course remember.

"It's been a year. Today. Did you know that?" Bozer dropped his head as he heard the sadness laced throughout your voice.

"Not hard to forget. That's why I agreed to let Mac stay late at work. Keep his mind off of things" you gripped the mug tight. Bozer of course had kept this in mind and made sure Mac would make it through.

"So he's not home-"

"Y/N I don't even think you should see him" you dropped your head. Bozer of course was only protecting you both from the chance of heartbreak again but all you wanted to do was hold him even when you weren't supposed to.

"I still love him" Bozer went to reply but headlights flashed across the kitchen. It wasn't hard to spot Mac's jeep pulling into the driveway.

"You should go" he mumbled and I knew he was trying to protect me but the idea of seeing Mac was keeping me glued to the stool.

"Bozer what are you still doing up?" Mac's voice filled the home as the door opened. Once he shut it he turned towards the kitchen and spotted the two. Automatically he froze. He would've stayed at work later but he couldn't pay attention with the thought of you roaming around his head.

"I'll leave you two alone" Bozer grabbed his coffee and walked back down the hall to his bedroom.

"What are you doing here?" Mac didn't move from his spot. He wasn't even sure he could go through this conversation without begging for her to come back. But she has to want to come back. He can't keep her.

"I just wanted to catch up" you weren't sure why you lied. Maybe it was because seeing him now in his jeans and black long sleeve shirt with his hair all messy from what it looked to be running his hands through it to much.

"Is it overstepping to call bullshit" it pained him to see you. He wanted you so bad he thought it was cruel you were just "catching up".

"I couldn't sleep okay Mac. I'm not even sure why I came here myself. All I know is I couldn't get you out of my head so I drove here at one am to see you" Mac froze as she spoke. Blurting the words out made it all so real.

"You left" he whispered and a lone tear slipped down her face.

"I left because you needed your focus. Bozer has just found out about your job and you were protecting him. I'd go days without seeing you. I didn't want you to worry about being there for me" Mac walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer as he let out a long sigh.

"If you were so worried about taking care of me did you think about how much it would hurt me when I came home after five days to have all your stuff missing and a note that said goodbye" you turned your head. It wasn't your best moment, but you knew one look at Mac's face and you wouldn't do it. You wouldn't leave.

"I was to in love with you. If I saw you, those blue fucking eyes I would've kissed you instead of give you space. I needed you to be happy. Even if it meant hurting you at first" Mac wouldn't turn from the fridge. He couldn't look at her. Looking at her made this all to real for him.

"I hate how much you meant to me. I fell so hard and you left. It hurt everyday. It still hurts. And I can't give you that power again. Not unless I knew you would never leave me again" slowly you stood up and he visibly tensed when he heard the stool scrape across the floor. Somehow he tensed even more when you placed your hands on his arms. He had to turn around.

"Mac I have thought about you every day for a whole year. I've tried to move on but all I do is think about you. I knew I couldn't fight it anymore" Mac relaxed slightly and started to slowly turn around. Your hands fell from his body as he faced you. His blue eyes piercing your soul.

"You feel this?" he grabbed your hand and placed it on your chest. His heart thumped slowly against it. "Even though you broke my heart in two it still beats for you"

"Then let me fix it" before Mac even knew it he placed his lips on hers, quickly kissing her. This was what he was afraid of, he knew when she came back he wouldn't be able to stay away. But then again as he kissed her he didn't feel bad. It was like relief washed over him.

Slowly he picked her up and set her down on the counter. Her hands tangled in his hair as she locked her legs around his waist. This was so SO good. It was like relapsing and everything seemed better than it ever was before. Breathing in his pine scent and tasting each others cherry mouths was enough to set fire to each others touch. When the both finally pulled away breathing heavily in each others faces it took only 6 words to convince Mac to let her stay.

"I'll always go back to you"

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