Chapter 8

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*In this chapter I am leaving the translations in parenthesis next to the language for you guys*


"You saw a girl?" Louis asked Moselle with concern on his face. Moselle sat across from him wrapped in a towel chowing down a protein bar. She had been gone a total of 7 hours, the sun was setting for the night as the yellow, reds and pinks paint the sky. Moselle had jumped out of the water so fast she almost gave her father a heart attack when she landed on the boat causing it to rock violently. The first things out of her mouth was how she fixed the profiling float when she dropped the screwdriver (which she totally forgot to pick back up after saying goodbye to the little girl) then meeting the girl who didn't speak or seem to understand her and helping her collect the sand dollars.

After she excitedly went through her story so fast her father looked even more confused. She offered to go over it again, which he declined. She still couldn't believe it herself, there were possibly people like her down there, this whole time and she never knew. Moselles thoughts brought her to think that maybe she could be from here. Or at least this place the girl wanted to take her could have answers to her past and uncover the mystery of why she was in that storm her parents found her in.

Running this by her dad she could see him wrapping his head around the idea, but sadness crossed his face then disappeared but not quick enough for Moselle to take notice. He didn't make eye contact with her, he just stared out to the setting sun deep in thought. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it changing his mind. He didn't think she was just going to leave a never come back, did he?


"Yes hija?"

"If-if I were to go to this place and find answers..would that change anything between us?" she said almost in a whisper.

Louis now brought his eyes to hers.

"I don't-I mean-if I were to find wouldn't shut me out right?" Tears began to threaten her eyes. She tried to hold them back but the stinging made her blink them out. The thought of her and her dads relationship changing broke her heart, she didn't want things to change between them but she knew she couldn't go on knowing that there could be answers to her questions and she had the chance to know. Her heart was divided. Moselles tears began to escape her eyes when her father wrapped her in a hug.

"Moselle" he said sternly but soft "You are my child blood or not, I have always loved you like you were my own and so did your mother until the very end." Stepping back to look at her face, his hands still holding her shoulders. "No matter where you go, or what you decide you are my child forever and I will love you no matter what you choose." Moselles tears streamed down her face, she wrapped her father in a hug and buried her face in his chest. She could feel him smiling down at her and he held her once again.

"I just don't want you to think I abandoned you.." she said in his chest

"Oh hija, theres nowhere you could go that I wouldn't be with you." He rested his chin on her head as he held her in a hug.

After staying like that for some time her dad broke the silence with a smart remark about her not being able to live in Atlantis full time, she would have to come home and help around the house. Shaking her head she lightly smacked him after the sweet moment they just had. Pulling away from him, she noticed the sky was getting dark fast. There was no way they were going to make it back to the island before nightfall. Her father must of realized this because he started to turn off the motor to the boat and began tying the sails down for the night. "We are really going to sleep out here?" Moselle asked, trying to hide the excitement in her voice. Her father looked at her with the main sails roped still in hand replying, "Yeah why not, haven't in a while could be fun." giving her a small wink he continued with closing the main sail.

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