Chapter 19

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"Moselle?" Andres called. He had been knocking on her door for the past twenty minutes, after Namor told her the meaning of the words that seemed to push her past her emotional point. Namor started regretting even telling her, but she needed to know. Didn't she? Andres yelling and pounding on the door brought Namors attention back. He stepped from the table and joined Andres in front of the small door. He watched as the old man jiggled with the knob that seemed to be lock and his efforts were pointless. Without a word, Namor stepped in front of him and twisted the doorknob, breaking it. Andres looked at him and scoffed a smile. "I pray you never have daughters my boy." Not really understanding what he meant he ignored him as Andres pushed open the door to reveal an empty room. Moselle was gone.

Namor rushed past him looking around and seeing the only evidence of her being here was the now open window that let in a light breeze. "We must find her. Now!" Andres said frantically, making his way out of her room. Namor followed hastily behind him as Andres made his way to the front door. "What if she doesn't want to be found?" Namor asked before Andres could exit the small home. Andres turned to him with worry in his eyes. "I don't care if she doesn't, we have to find her." The last thing he said to him before running down the stoned road. Namor peered out the door looking both ways to stay hidden. He's never been around humans voluntarily and doesn't really plan to start now. With one last look around he jumped onto the roof in one swift move, landing effortlessly. To his surprise he was met with pale blue eyes right next to where he landed.


"Namor?" she asked, seeming just surprised by his sudden entrance. She quickly hid her face from him wiping the tears from her face. "What are you doing?" she asked quickly, trying her best to hide her sad voice. "You weren't in your room." He said studying her face. Was she up here the whole time crying?

"You guys broke into my room?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well maybe you shouldn't run off when there are Gods hunting you." He said, trying to lighten the mood as best as he could. She gave him a light smile but quickly lost it, looking back out to the turning colored sky. Namor sat down next to her not taking his eyes off her. They sat there in silence for a while looking out over the small homes that led down to the water. Watching the boats bob peacefully in the water. Moselle brought her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them as she continued to stare off to the horizon. Namor started to think he should say something to her, but she beat him to it. "I come up here a lot when I have a lot on my mind." She spoke. "My mother would join me sometimes to help me get out of my head. Giving me her worldly advice, she called it." Namor looked at her at the mention of her mother. He's noticed she smiles when she speaks of her family. He felt sorry for her losses truly, he knows what it like losing a mother. "It's odd to think my sweet mother was helping a monster grow up to what I am now." Moselle trailed off, silent tears falling from her eyes.

Namor looked fully at her now. "You are not a monster." He began.

She scoffed at his words. "Yeah, I was just responsible for all the deaths of those villagers and probably more to come, but hey I'm not a monster." she said sarcastically.

"Moselle-" Namor began but she cut him off.

"Please..just don't sit there and lie to me. You said it yourself. I am the lost one that will bring death." 

 His words came back to bite him. Perhaps he shouldn't have told her.She looked away from him wiping her frustrated tears away that she was trying to hide. But her shaking body gave her away. "I don't want to hurt anyone." She said defeated.

"You won't hurt anyone." he said firmly. She turned to face him to object, but he spoke over her. "I have seen people wanting to hurt others, out of greed or for power. No remorse or regret. But you." he started as he reached for her face to wipe a fresh tear away with his thumb, her skin was soft under his rough finger. "I don't think you would ever want to hurt anyone intentionally. Unless you had to; to protect those you love."

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