Chapter 34

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I know we are outside before i open my eyes. I can hear the wind howling as it chills my skin from the water we just emerged from when he took me from the cave. I can feel the rain against my skin, making me more cold. I barely pry my eyes open and see a dark clouded sky.

Camazotz is protected because of a storm. And he knew where I was this whole time.

My body hangs as Camazotz carries me out of the tree line and onto the beach. I can feel my body coming back a bit, the effects of Cadmaels tea wearing off, but not fast enough. I have no chance if I can't get away from Camazotz.

But what would be the point? He knows where I have been hiding this whole time. I was never safe. Dread takes over me, but I push it away. I can't focus on that I need to get out of here.

We make it onto the beach and I can hear the crashing waves beating against the shoreline.

"Wake little darkling, take one last look at this place. Because you will never see it again once our master has you." Camazotz says.

"N..not my master..and fuck you." I say half awake.

Camazotz tisks. "We shall see about that."

I struggle against his hold. "Stop struggling darkling. Haven't you figured out there is no where you can go where we won't find you." He says with a wicked smile.

Just as I think he is about to take off flying, he stops. He just stands there. I open my eyes more coming out of what feels like the worst sleep of my life and see he is looking to the side of him. Something caught his attention.

"Ah, what do we have here?" He says as he drops me to the sand. I land hard on the beach as the chain cuffs smack me in the face on impact. Camazotz didn't even bother breaking these off me in case I tried to run. I'm still groggy but I look to where his attention is. Hope spreads through me that it's Namor and he's found me. But as I look my body becomes paralyzed. About fifty yards from us is a young girl with blue skin, collecting shells.


"No." I say through my teeth as Camazotz takes a step toward her. Her attention is on the waves as to not get caught in them as she hunts for shells, not on us. What the hell is she doing out here?

"Oh, you know this little creature?" Camazotz says amused. "Haha, don't worry. I'll make it quick. I haven't fed in days."

Fear races through my veins as Camazotz stalks towards Zyanna, oblivious to our presence.

"Zy..zyanna." I try to yell but my voice barely carries through the wind and the rain. I'm still so weak.

"Oh come now, don't spoil my fun." Camazotz says turning back to me. I can see the predator in his eyes. And Zyanna is his prey. "I love the smell of their fear before I kill them. Like when I killed your father."

"I'll kill you if you touch her." I say as I try to stand but fall back to my knees.

"I would love to see you try, darkling." He says to me before he takes off so fast towards Zyanna I barely have time to think.

"Zyanna!" I cry out.

She turns just in time to see Camazotz coming at her, his blade in hand. I stagger to my feet, praying to whatever force to give me strength, even for just a moment. I force myself to my feet, making myself stand. When I look up Camazotz is just a few feet from her his blade ready to swing at her. I watch her fall back in fear from the monster coming at her.



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