③ 𝙥𝙞𝙚𝙘𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙨

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That next training session never came.

In fact, she didn't even see the boy again. She couldn't leave her room.

The pain was too unbearable.

For six more months, the effects of her training had not eased. Her headache was still as prominent as ever and showed no signs of leaving. It hurt to blink, let alone move her body. The higher-ups quickly grew concerned that their project was failing. They tried many different things to get rid of whatever ailment was cursing her, but they made no progress on the matter.

It was a few minutes after she'd received her dinner. Kimika had been patiently awaiting the meal, which she knew would contain some of her favorites. Somehow, she liked the situation she was in. Of course, the thunderous pounding in her head wasn't very fun, but the lenient treatment from the higher-ups was nice. She was provided better meals in an attempt to better her health, as well as more rest hours.

She'd barely even put her lips to the straw when a jolt of pain rippled through her body.

A scream tore through her throat. Her hands dug into the roots of her hair, desperate to be rid of the torture. She collapsed to the ground, rolling every which way, trying to ease the horrific sensation.

Almost immediately, government officials were racing into the room.

"What's wrong with her?!"

"Is she okay?"

"What's happening?"

It took them an hour to confine the girl. She'd been thrashing with all of her little strength, trying to break free. On the way to the infirmary, she'd passed out in the hands of an official, stiff as a board. It'd been confirmed a half hour later that she'd had a seizure.

She didn't remember much of what came after, but Sasaki told her everything when she woke up.

Kanna Sasaki was a newly transferred doctor whose quirk was very useful in the medical field. When she touched a person, she was able to know what their quirk was and how they used it. She came from a quirk marriage bloodline, and she was specifically bred for the government's usage. She'd just recently been hired when the current problem arose.

Kimika's eyes had barely opened when the doctor's voice rang through the infirmary room. "Good morning, Vanish. How are you feeling?"

There were too many things to feel. The pounding and burning sensations of her mind were too much to bear. She could barely hear the doctor thanks to the ringing in her ears. A tear slid down her cheek.

The doctor reached out and brushed the tear away.

Kimika jerked back from her hand.

"Hey, don't worry, you're not going to hurt me." Sasaki's gentle green eyes smiled down at her. The doctor's hands rested in her lap, and Kimika relaxed again. "You had a seizure. Do you remember what happened after?"

Kimika frowned and shrugged.

"Nothing? Well, let me tell you what happened."

Kimika held her breath.

"I've figured out why you're hurting so much." Sasaki chuckled at the little girl's wide eyes. "Do you remember what your quirk is called? Endless Void, is that right?" Kimika nodded in response. "It appears, that Void of yours isn't as endless as everybody thought."

Sasaki held up a finger to pause herself. "Ah, well, let me explain something first. When you touch an object, it disappears. What I discovered after researching your quirk, though, is that those objects aren't really disappearing, only being transported somewhere else. For a long time, I wasn't sure where they were being transported to, until I looked into that pain you've been feeling. It seems all of these objects are being teleported to the Void. The Void, or rather your Void, is an expansion of your quirk that takes up the space where in anyone else would be the cerebellum. Do you know what that is?"

Kimika blinked. There was so much information that she had to take in. She shook her head.

"The cerebellum is part of the brain that is responsible for coordinating voluntary movements. It is also responsible for a number of functions including motor skills such as balance, coordination, and posture. Have you ever noticed anything like a lack of balance, slower movements, or shaking when you move?"

Kimika nodded. When the pain wasn't there, it was normal to feel like she was dizzy, when she really wasn't. The doctor just described her usual day-to-day.

Sasaki nodded. "That's because your cerebellum is replaced by your Void. It simply doesn't exist. Does all of that make sense?"

The girl hummed a yes.

"Now, I want you to picture a balloon." Sasaki held her hands up and created a small circle with her fingers. "As air is put into the balloon, it expands and grows." She mimicked the action with her hands, and Kimika's eyes followed them as she focused on what she was hearing. "But if it is filled with too much air," Her hands shot out in opposite directions. "It will pop."

"Your Void is much like a balloon. The more and more objects you use your quirk on, the more full it gets. Right now, it's almost at its breaking point. That's why you feel that intense pain. It's simply because a part of your mind is at its capacity and pushing against your skull. If you continue to use your quirk like this, your Void could pop just like a balloon."

Kimika couldn't stop the squeak from escaping her lips.

"I know, it's a scary thought." Sasaki offered a comforting smile. "But there is a solution. Have you ever been able to make something you've touched appear again?"

Kimika shook her head. If only she could.

"Well, I believe you can." Sasaki pursed her lips in thought and crossed her arms over her chest. "The logistics of your quirk say there is a way for you to release the items in your Void, but I'm not entirely sure how."

Sasaki stood from her chair beside the bed. "So, that's what your training will be in the coming years. Or at least, however long it takes you to accomplish the task. You'll have two days to rest from your episode, and then it's back to the training facility. Please, do not push yourself. All personnel are notified about your situation and are therefore forbidden to provoke you into using your quirk. Understand?"

The girl nodded her head. Sasaki said a quick farewell before stepping out of the infirmary, leaving her alone.

Kimika stared down at her hands. To anyone, they were completely normal. In her eyes, they were coated by flames. She clenched her fingers and her nails dug into her palms. Could she really bring something back?

Kimika's eyes filled with tears.

She wondered if she could really do it.

Could she piece together the ashes of what she's burned?

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