⑦ 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙨

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Immediately, her life began to change.

When the two children were escorted to the fourth floor of the building, Dr. Sasaki was there. She quickly caught the eye of the white-haired girl and beckoned her over. "Vanish! Boy, do I have something to show you!"

Kimika shrugged at Keigo's quizzical look and stepped over to the doctor. The green-eyed woman produced a small box from her lab coat's pocket and held it out for the girl to take. Kimika raised her eyebrow. Did this lady really think she was about to take it from her? If she touched it, it'd be zapped away.

"Oh, right." Sasaki lifted the lid of the box to reveal its contents. She lifted the gifts into the air so the girl, and the boy peeking over her shoulder, could see them. "After studying more into your quirk, I tried to fabricate a material that could not be affected by it. Do you remember that?"

Kimika nodded. About a year or so ago, the doctor had given the girl several samples to try and touch. All of them were effectless, but it seemed the woman hadn't given up on her goal. Three months ago, the right material had been created. Kimika was delighted when she touched the fabric and it stayed in her hands.

"Well, I had these made for you using that material."

Sasaki held out the gloves. They were colored black and had a petite style to them.

Kimika's heart just about melted. She'd never received anything from anyone before, and yet here was Sasaki, giving her something new. To be honest, it was probably her job to do so, but Kimika liked to think it was more than that. She let herself believe it, anyways.

Kimika swiftly slipped them onto her hands and flexed her fists, getting a feel for the new accessories. They fit her hands perfectly. There was no spot that pinched or itched her skin. They were amazing.

Her voice was small and timid and caught both Sasaki and Keigo off guard. "Can I touch things?"

Sasaki held up her hand for a high-five. Kimika stared at it. Hesitantly, she slapped her hand against the doctor's. The woman remained.

"No way!" Keigo squealed, throwing his arms up into the air as he cheered. "That's so cool! Wait, I want one, too!" The ten-year-old boy eagerly held both of his hands up, waiting impatiently for his friend to return the gesture.

Excitement bubbling in her chest, Kimika slightly jumped as she completed the high-five.

Keigo's grin was the brightest thing Kimika had ever set her eyes on. It was the biggest one she'd seen on his face over the four years that they'd known each other. Sasaki ruffled the little girl's hair as Kimika's eyes stayed glued to her friend's smile.

Sasaki cleared her throat. "Well, I'll be going now. Enjoy your gloves, Vanish." With a kind smile, Sasaki disappeared down the hallway.

"That's so cool how you can touch things now!" Keigo tilted his head curiously. "Will probably take time to get used to it, huh?"

Kimika nodded vigorously. She stared down at the gloves. It felt like a wall had been placed between her and the flames.

One of the escorts roughly nudged the two forward. "Inside here." He pressed a button on the wall and a section slid away, revealing another space.

It was quickly recognized as a bedroom. It was large with white walls and a gray metal floor, with a bed, tucked into both of the farthest corners. At the end of each of them were a blank desk and a folding chair. It was illuminated by the main fluorescent light above, but there were two personal lamps mounted to the wall next to each of the beds.

Kimika marveled at it.

Keigo immediately collapsed on the mattress on the right side of the room, easily claiming it as his. "Wow! I've never had my own bed before!"

Kimika hadn't either. It was obvious why-- if she touched it with her fingers, it would disappear. But now, thanks to both her empty trigger and new gloves, it would stay in one place. She could sleep somewhere other than the ground. As the escorts locked the door and the two kids were left alone, Kimika eased herself onto the mattress and found immeasurable comfort in its softness.

Suddenly she wondered why the... what had Madam President called this place again? The Commission? Kimika wondered why the Commission was doing this. First, they manufactured gloves for her. Next, they put her and Keigo in a room together. It was one nice thing after the other and she wasn't sure why. Madam President had said it was to keep their motivation and work ethics high, but surely that wasn't the whole truth. Kimika frowned.

"Hey, what are you frowning for?" Keigo's head ticked to the side again. "You okay?"

Kimika's gaze snapped up to meet those golden eyes that studied her carefully. She nodded, a forced smile on her lips.

Keigo hopped up from his bed and went to explore his side of the room a little more. There was nothing much to explore, only the desk and chair. He stifled through the drawers of the desk only to find nothing. "Geez, you think they'd maybe give us something to put in the drawers, no?"

Kimika's fake smile slowly turned into a real one. He was entirely right.

The boy sighed dramatically. His wings, in return, ruffled up with the same level of theatrics. "This place is so boring." He craned his head over his shoulder as his hands rested on the back of his neck. "At least we've got company now."

Kimika couldn't agree with him more. She'd spent six years of her life in an empty room all by herself, with the occasional period of training. It was nice to have something in her room, and even better to have someone in here with her. Whatever the Commission was planning, she felt like it was all worth it just to become better friends with this boy.

It's not like she or Keigo had a choice to be there.

The least they can do is become friends.

As the days went on, that's what they did. Becoming roommates had a positive effect on the two of them as they now had someone to talk to that wasn't themselves. Kimika had noticed the fires in her mind die down even more. She didn't focus on them anymore-- she didn't have time to focus on them anymore. Keigo took up every waking moment of hers, striking up a conversation whenever he could.

Kimika started to open up to him more. As soon as she realized they were stuck in this place together, she figured there was no point in keeping to herself. That would only cause her more mental strain. Besides, this boy always kept the fires at bay. She began talking only when in his company, not in training or anywhere else, and he loved it.

She loved it, too.

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