Chapter 3: Deal

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Unlike the food from back home, the Omaticaya people sure have a larger variation when it comes to meals - from both river and land creatures. It's not something common from the metkayina, who only feast from the sea, but not like any of the three are complaining.

If anything, it only twinkled their tastebuds to the new flavors.

They loved it.

"This is so good!" Rotxo moans in delight, chewing on the meat from the bone before looking at Tuk, "What is this?!"

Tuk snags her teeth to the meat she's eating as well, nonchalantly stating, "You wouldn't know since you're not familiarized with our animals yet."

A low snort breaks out as a laugh from Kiri's throat, especially to Rotxo's appalled reaction, nudging her little sister, "Be nice."

"But it's true," And the little girl looks at him, "Or do you know what a hexapede is?"

A hexa-who?

Ao'nung slowly tugs a grin to Rotxo's blank expression, reaching over and taking a piece, "Have fun doing your studying."

Rotxo makes a face back to him, grumbling to himself as he eats.

It's been more or less a successful few days that has passed by in a blur. Since the whole incident that happened with Neteyam, the rest of the Sully siblings didn't change their attitude with them. They remained pretty consistent, well besides helping them improve on their skills that is.

Unlike Tsireya and Lo'ak, who seemed to be growing quite comfortable with each other.

Not like Ao'nung is going to tease his sister about it, she's grown after all.

She can take care of herself.

Since then till now, Ao'nung has still been training with the direhorse and a few hunting tactics, but with Kiri it can be quite difficult. She's pretty outgoing as it is, which is good since they can easily get along. She's not so awkward and treats Ao'nung very casual, the issue is that she's more spiritual than she is about being a hunter - or a warrior in the clan. She knows her stuff, don't get Ao'nung wrong, it's helpful so he can not stray too far back, but when it comes to other things that an Olo'eyktan should know, that's when she's not much of help.

She's like a textbook, she has all the answers the questions he has, but she's no instructor of that level.

Tuk has been of some assistance in that area, since she picked up from her mother on hunting tactics, but again she's also still learning herself in her own level. She doesn't even like to train, since she's still young and likes to have fun and go on adventures.

She doesn't complain though, but she's not specific either.

And Lo'ak - That's out of the question for obvious reasons.

His focus is obviously only on Tsireya, so Ao'nung doesn't even bother to ask him for help.

Not like he will nicely.

Ever since that day of the altercation, Neteyam has also not made an appearance - properly that is.

Ao'nung has seen him around with his father and mother various of times, either riding on the ikran together or training - helping him build up his strength - but he has not communicated with any of them since that incident. They do share subtle glances when they do come across one another and Ao'nung tries to be nice since Neteyam is the eldest son and for manners, but Neteyam is a complex person. He's clearly focused on himself in this time, so he doesn't give much attention to anyone else.

No doubt he probably also feels embarrassed, or not comfortable yet until he gathers his full strength.

To which today seems to be that day.

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