Part 5

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The Story Of Dagger

J By Heidi .L. BretzinJBeanie Baby BooksJ

JDistributed By HeidiJThe Story Of Dagger Part 5J

J Rated ML Medium LanguageJ

At The Cemetery...

Dagger: Hey, what's that?!

Shay: What?

Dagger: (Gasps) No! It couldn't be!

Shay: What is it, Dagger?

Dagger: "..."

Shay: Is...Is...Could it be...?

Dagger: Question Mark Smithy 1862-1874

Shay: She died young?!

Dagger: She died about one year ago. Smithy didn't tell me!!

Shay: Um Dagger... You ran away...

Dagger: (Begins to cry)

Shay: (Sigh) Dagger... You still have me...

Dagger: Shay. Let's go to Smithy Castle.

Shay: Why?

Dagger: To ask who or WHAT killed Question Mark.

Shay: Ok. Let's go.

Dagger: She died when she was twelve years old...

Shay: Its Ok Dagger...

At Smithy Castle...

Dagger: Smithy?

Smithy: Come in...

(Dagger Opens door)

Dagger: Dad?

Smithy: Dagger?

Dagger: Smithy...What killed Question Mark?

Smithy: She volunteered to try to defeat Mario...But she did not succeed.

Dagger: "..."

Smithy: I know you feel bad, Dagger, but things like that happen.

Dagger: Shay wanted to see her...

Smithy: Shay? Who's Shay?

Dagger: My only friend. She's not a friend to me... She's my BEST friend in the whole wide world. And she's going to stay that way.

Smithy: "..."

Dagger: Mario and anyone else that get in my way shall DIE!! Grrrrrrrr!!

Shay: Dagger. Come on, we have to go.

Dagger: Ok Shay. Coming.

Out Of Smithy Castle...

Dagger: I can't believe It!! She died at the age of twelve!!

Shay: (Sigh)

Dagger: I should make a book of The Short Life of Question Mark Smithy. Kind of has a weird name though.

Shay: Hey Dagger, what's your full name?

Dagger: Dagger Daggbyte Smithy. The way that I write my name is Dagger .D. Smithy.

Shay: Mine is Shayly Shay Carbon, Which Is Shayly .S. Carbon.

Dagger: Hmmmm...

Shay: I think it's a Weird Name.

Dagger: "..."

Shay: Say something!!

Dagger: "......."

Shay: I know, I know, you're still disappointed about Question Mark.

Dagger: I wish I could talk to her one more time...

Shay: "..."

Dagger: Hey Shay... Did you have any other fiends BEFORE me?

Shay: No I'm afraid...

Dagger: "..."

Shay: "..."

Dagger: (sigh)

Shay: "..."

Dagger: "..."

Shay: (Sigh)

Dagger: Ok we have to cut it out with the silence...

Shay: You're right...

Dagger: ??!! Hey!! THERE'S MARIO!!!!! GET HIM!!!!!

Shay & Dagger: CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!

Mario: (Jumps In Shock) Yikes!!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!!!

(Puff Of Smoke)

Dagger: Got Em!!

(Smithy Boss Music Comes On)

Dagger: This Is For Killing Question Mark!!! (POW!!)

(Mario Attacks)

(Dagger Attacks)

(Shay Attacks) (Mario Attacks)

(Dagger Attacks)

(Shay Attacks) (Mario Attacks)

(Dagger Attacks)

(Shay Attacks) (Mario Attacks)

(Dagger Attacks)

(Shay Attacks)

(Mario Attacks)

(Dagger Attacks)

(Shay Attacks) (Mario Attacks)

(Dagger Attacks)

(Shay Attacks) (Mario Attacks)

(Dagger Attacks)

(Shay Attacks)

Shay: (Fell Down)

Dagger: Shay!!!!! (Growls at Mario loudly)

(Mario Ran Away)

Dagger: Shay!! Come on, Shay!

Shay: Dagger... Here...Take this...You'll need it...It's a map...There was a hero that was waiting for me and he gave me this map...Please take it...And fulfill my quest...Try and get to the...Narnafhon...

Dagger: What's a Narnafhon?!

Shay: "......."

Dagger: Shay...

(Shay Died)

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