Part 6

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The Story Of Dagger

J By Heidi .L. BretzinJ Beanie Baby BooksJ

JDistributed By Heidi Louise BretzinJ

JRated MLJ

Dagger: Hmmmm...If only I knew what a Narnafhon was...

Stranger: Who are you?! Are you Shay?! You sure don't look like Shay!

Dagger: No, I'm not Shay, I'm Dagger, daughter of Smithy, and I came to take Shay's place. Before she died, she told me to take her place so I could continue her quest.

Stranger: ?! Shay?! She...Died?

Dagger: Yes. I'm afraid so...

Stranger: So...You want to take her place to continue her quest?

Dagger: Yes.

Stranger: Well Uh...My name is Osidess, pronounced O-side-ess Allright?

Dagger: Uh, okay...

Osidess: But you can call me Eric...

Dagger: ??!!! Prince Eric!!!

Eric: How didyYou Guess?

Dagger: Shay told me that you were her Fiancé.

Eric: That's right...

Dagger: Um... I have something to tell you...

Eric: What?

Dagger: Before Shay died, she told me about something called a Narnafhon.

Eric: (Shocked in astonishment) Narnafhon?! THE Narnafhon?!

Dagger: Uh...Yeah...

Eric: She has the map to the Narnafhon!!! The ONLY map!!! It's extremely rare!!

Dagger: Oh...It is?

Eric: (Nods) Do you need an extra soldier?!

Dagger: Yes... Actually, you're the only one I've found.

Eric: Well, there's a hero somewhere in these woods...

Dagger: Really? Is he wearing red?

Eric: Um, no... He's wearing gold.

Dagger: Oh. And what's my quest?

Eric: Your quest is a traveling quest.

Dagger: To where?

Eric: A lot of places.

Dagger: Where?

Eric: Well first to Hyrule, they have the best weapons. Then Battleon... And of you die... Or fail hmmm...I can't remember...

Dagger: Oh... Well we'd better be on our way!

Eric: Ok, let's go. But I'll leave when we get to Hyrule.

Dagger: Okay.

In Hyrule...

Eric: Well I have to go...

Dagger: At least I have ONE solider with me...

Dacron: I'll stay with you...

Dagger: OK good...

Weapon Shop Owner: Well what can I get you?

(Dagger Looks In His Inventory)

Dagger: I'd like two chain mail armor and two swords, oh and two chain sickles and two shields, please.

Dacron: Whoa, where'd you get all that money?!

Dagger: It's rupees, Dacron.

Weapon Shop Owner: Well thank you, and have a good day.

Dacron: Whew! I'm exhausted! Is there an inn close by?

Dagger: Well Dacron... It must be your lucky day, there's a really nice inn close by.

Dacron: Oh good then, let's go!!

At the really nice inn

Innkeeper: Would you like to stay for the night?

Dacron: Why of course, why else would I come here?

Dagger: Psssst!! You're lucky you don't have to speak Hyrulian! HAHAHA!!

Innkeeper: How many nights?

Dacron: Three!

Dagger: One please.

Dacron: Hey! Three!

Dagger: Allright, three please.

Innkeeper: That'll be 70 rupees please.

Dagger: Here you go (hands rupees)

Innkeeper: Have a nice sleep!

(Dagger & Dacron fell asleep)

The next morning...

Innkeeper: Wake up!

Dagger: (Yawns Quietly)

Dacron: YAWN!!!

Dagger: SHHHH!!

Innkeeper: Huh?

Dacron: What?

Dagger: Well we should get going! Come on, Dacron!

Innkeeper: You're welcome!

Dagger: (Looks on the map) now let's see, we have to find link and ask him if he could help us find the triforce, and if that's his quest to find it, we well help him or fail on that mission. What do you think, Dacron?

Dacron: Hmmmm, we should ask or help Link if he need's help with the TRIFORCE.

Dagger: Whatever.

Dacron: Or on second thought, it's going to be embarrassing to ask HIM if we'll help. Now that's plain silly, he's found all the other triforces, if there is another triforce.

Dagger: Hey, you have a good point there, Dacron, oh well, that part failed, it's the end,

Dagger: Wait a minute! We have one more part of the quest!

The Story of DaggerWhere stories live. Discover now