Chapter 1: Pink Roses

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Like I promised here is the rewrite and restarted version of my fanfiction. The old version will be removed next week. I hope you all enjoy!

Wellston General hospital

After a long and hard fought battle with join both Remi and Blyke were sent to the hospital with Arlo and Isen badly injured. John had won. He had single handedly defeated all of the Royals other than Seraphina. Remi and Blyke shared a room together in the hospital.

Remi suddenly shot up in a place she did not recognize. Her vision soon cleared up and could tell she was in the hospital. She looked her left to find a table with a bunch of flowers, balloons, and get well soon cards on it. One bunch of flowers stood out to her more then the others. It was a bunch of pink roses, which were her favorite flower. She then immediately grabbed them to smell there soft yet sweet aroma. She found that there was no card as to tell who put them there.

She looked farther to he left to find a window. Out of the window was one of the most beautiful sunrises she had ever seen. She sat there and stared at the sunrise for what to her felt like forever. She had lost herself in all the colors that she loved in the pinks, reds, oranges,and blues.

She snapped back into reality at the sound of the door opening. She then looked back to the head of the bed to see a tall male doctor with dark brown hair and sky blue eyes. She then asked the doctor if she was okay and if she needed to worry about anything. Doctor spoke in a calm yet deep voice that told her she was okay other than a few broken bones. He also told Remi that she had to stay a week or two to make sure she was fully healed. The doctor then walked over to the window and opened it. Remi felt a rush of air as the windows were open.

The fresh air made her feel a million times better. The doctor then left leaving her to her thoughts. She found herself thinking about the fight that just took place a day earlier. She then worried about everyone else that was involved in the fight. She worried for her best friend Isen, she worried for her crush Blyke, and believe it or not she worried for Arlo or to her Asslo. She then thought of how the school was going to be when she got back. How everything would be different.

Images of the fight flowed through her head. Images of John beating her and her friends, Including Arlo overflowed her head. She knew John could do anything now. Nobody could stand in his way. A fear she held deep down rose to surface this fear being that not even Seraphina could stop John when she gets her ability back. A fear that made her shake in the bed. She was snapped out of it when she heard groans coming to her right. She turned to find Blyke groaning in a bed next to her. She looked at him waiting as he started to get up. To Be Continued...

It is going to be very similar to the first version but not an exact replica. Also this story we be updated every other week on Thursday. Also I will be posting a new story the other weeks that I'm not updating this story. That story will come out next week on Thursday. Thursday will be my main updating day for now and I'll let you know if that day changes. Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed!

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