Chapter 6: Returning to School

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Location: Welston private Highschool

Blyke moved in with Isen so he wouldn't die from sharing a room with John. Blyke found that sleeping on the floor of his best friends room was harder than he thought especially with Isen snoring. He woke up the next morning with little sleep but was also ready to see Remi and start school. After he and Isen got ready for school they walked out the dorms to meet Remi in front of the school.

Remi was waiting at the front of the school for Blyke and Isen. Her head was spinning thinking about the state the school would be in after having John rule it for almost a complete week. She worried about the chaos John could cause and if there was anything she could actually do to fix it. She calmed her self down a little thinking that she had Blyke on her side and that he would help and stand with her though all the chaos. Remi was snapped out of thoughts when she heard her name being called and turned around to see Blyke and Isen running towards her.

Isen was the first to reach her. When he got there he pulled Remi into a hug which made Blyke a little uncomfortable. Isen stopped his hug when he felt Blyke's glare burning the back of his head. When Isen was done with the hug he said to Blyke "You can be jealous over your girlfriend later because she is my friend too and I haven't seen her in almost a week".

As soon as the word girlfriend exited Isen mouth both Blyke and Remi blushed. A blush as pink as Remi's hair. Before Isen could tease them about their blush the school bell went off and the trio made their way to the doors.

When they arrived at the doors Remi took a big breath mentally preparing herself for the chaos that would happen before entering the school. When she enter she was surprised to see that the school is kinda orderly. There were no fights, no disputes, no anything. She even noticed that low-tiers were walking near high-tiers without being injured. She was confused, but she couldn't complain that she liked that there wasn't any bulling or fighting.

Isen saw Remi confused face and began to explain. Isen explained that to stop the low-tiers from pretending to be joker John reveled he was joker and beat anyone that tried to be joker. Remi had know that John beat people up that pretended to be joker, but she didn't know he reveled himself. Isen continued to explain that John had spoken to the school that if he found any low-tier being bullied or being forced to things because they are weaker than he would beat the one that bullied or forced them to do whatever. Isen stated that the school is simply run on fear.

When Isen was done explaining Remi had to leave Isen and Blyke to go to her class. Remi arrived at her classroom just as the late bell for first period went off. She sat in her spot and thought about what Isen had just told her. She had been surprised she honestly thought that the school would be worse with John in charge and she definitely didn't think that he would help low-tiers. Though she didn't agree with the school being run on fear she had to admit John had surprised her.

Remi had meet up with Isen and Blyke after the final school bell sounded and the trio were about to walk back to the dorms when she heard someone call her name. She suspected to see Seraphina or Elaine, but when she turned around she found Cecile walking towards her. She wondered why Cecile had called her since they weren't really friends. When Cecile arrived at the trio she said in a serious tone that John wanted to see me and that I should head to the roof. After that Cecile left.

I was worried why John wanted to see me. I told Isen and Blyke that I'd meet up with them at Isen dorm and left to see what John wanted. To be Continued. . .

Sorry I haven't posted in while the last couple of weeks I have had finals and a small vacation and with all that I had no motivation to post anything but I'm back know and I promise to post the next chapter next week on either Sunday or Monday. I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading and see you next week.

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