Chapter 9: Paired up

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The bell rang as soon as the teacher finished announcing the partners for the project. Many people left their seats and began to walk out since science was the class of the day. Some of the other students meet up with each other to begin talking about the project.

Remi on the other hand just sat their silent trying to make sure she heard who her partner was right. She snapped out of the daze when John, her partner in question, walked by her. Everyone who stayed in the classroom moved out of the way. While looking up at him she noticed that the teacher was still in the classroom and began to walk up towards her. When she arrived at the front of the class she had asked why she was paired up with John. The teacher stated that their were two reasons why she had chosen Remi. She explained that the first reason was that she didn't want John held back another and that Remi could help fix john's grade with this and keep him from repeating the year over again. The second reason was that Remi was currently the strongest person in the class.

Remi understood the second reason that the teacher didn't want John to hurt anyone. Although she did pretty while in this class she didn't think she could keep him from failing the class. The teacher then finished packing up her stuff and left the class. After the teacher had left both Blyke and Isen came up behind her and they began to leave.

Both Remi and Blyke were silent so Isen decided to break the silence and say that they she all go get some boba. Which Remi immediately agreed to and Blyke agreed not that long after. Remi decided to grab her phone and ask Sera if she wanted to join. Sera replied quickly saying that she couldn't come as she was with Evie trying to figure out what they were doing the project on.

Remi told Blyke and Isen that she wanted to change out of school clothes before going to get boba. They both agreed and then went into their separate dictions to their respective dorms. Remi changed into Jeans, white t-shirt, and grabbed a pink hoodie that she tied around her waist. She then left her dorm room and walked to the entrance of the school. When she arrived she found Blyke and Isen waiting for. Blyke was the first to notice her approach and greeted her while telling that she looked great. After greeting Isen again they began their walk to the boba shop.

They arrived at the boba shop shortly and the first thing that caught her eye was that john was their in the back corner of the shop with an boba in his hand. She shook it off and went up to the front to order her boba knowing already what she wanted. She ordered a strawberry milk tea boba with strawberry toppings while Blyke order the banana milk tea without any toppings and Isen ordered orange boba with peach toppings. She also made fun of Blyke for going to a boba shop and not getting boba because everyone knows the toppings make it boba. after ordering they sat down at table with Blyke and Isen on one side and her on the other. She could still see John in the corner from where she sat but tried not to pay any attention to him. Soon their drinks came out and they chatted or Blyke and Isen would challenge each other to games on their phone until they finished.

Even though she tried though ignore that he was there she still noticed when John got up to leave. She also noticed that he went up to counter and grabbed another boba from the waitress before leaving and that it looked like the waitress knew he was coming up for another boba. she snapped out of her thoughts as Blyke slammed his hand on the table signaling that he had lost what ever they were playing.

Soon after they began walking back to their dorms and upon arriving at the split Blyke kissed Remi on the check and they walked their separate ways to their dorms. To Be Continued. . .

I hope you guys enjoy and thanks for your patience. See you next time! BYE!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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