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A/N: Try not to cry. :,)

I saw a TikTok where it said that Colin Creevey was killed in the battle of Hogwarts (I didn't know til I saw the TikTok), and it gave me an idea.

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     You'd been separated from Dean and the others at the worst time.

     There was complete and utter chaos everywhere; Death Eaters crawling through the halls, attacking whomever they came across.

     You were running and trying to find anyone you knew. You'd lost your wand, dropping it in the midst of a fight before managing to escape without a chance to retrieve it.

     You heard a faint whimper of fear down the hall you were walking down, and you sped up. It sounded like a younger student. The closer you got, the more you saw.

     After a moment, you got close enough to see that the two figures were a Death Eater and Colin Creevey. The man was cornering him, and it boiled your blood.

     The boy was terrified, clutching his camera for dear life.

     The fury you felt, however, turned to fear when the Death Eater started to raise his wand toward Colin, and you went into a full-on sprint. When you reached Colin, you quickly wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly and turning your back toward the Death Eater.

     The second you wrapped your arms around Colin, you met eyes with him as he looked up at you when his vision of the Death Eater was blocked. His small, adorable face adorned with fear made you feel at peace.

     He felt safe in your arms... it was as if the big sister he never had was protecting him from a bully.

     If only that were the case.

     You were happy that he was at least the last thing you saw before the killing curse was cast.

     The boy saw a bright green flash of light explode around your shoulders, and you saw the dark silhouette of yourself illuminate green in the reflection of his innocent eyes before everything went black.

     Colin Creevey watched your face drain of life and your body to fall to the side, revealing the furious Death Eater that was stood behind her.

     However, before he could do anything to the boy, another flash of green shot the man square in the head right as an anguished and infuriated yell rang out and echoed off of the walls.

     Colin started crying, dropping his beloved camera and crouching by your side.

     Fred Weasley crouched beside you and Colin, disbelief and anger written all over his face.

     "No, Y/N," he breathed out, resisting the urge to let out every swear he knew due to the small boy sitting next to him. "God, why?" His voice cracked when he spoke, and his head bowed as tears ran from his eyes and dropped off the end of his nose.

     "She protected me," Colin sobbed, "That man was gonna kill me."

     Fred hugged the small boy into his side. "She protected everyone she could throughout the years," he muttered, swiping his free hand across his eyes and nose to wipe the tears away. "She often thought her efforts weren't enough. They were, though. More than enough. She would never know how much she meant to us, how much she still does. She was special." He sighed, glancing at the dead Death Eater. "We have to carry her to the Great Hall," he said, screwing his exhausted eyes shut. "I don't know how Dean will react. She was his world."

ϟ 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 ϟWhere stories live. Discover now