《 Eleven 》

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' ' He said I think I am in love with you ' '

' ' He said I think I am in love with you ' '

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I woke with a start, I'd been plagued with nightmares since childhood, violent images that often had me waking to the sound of my own screams. They'd gotten to point of avoiding sleep altogether. I stayed awake as long as I could, distracting myself with work or hobbies into the early hours of the morning, surviving the day on caffeine instead of sleep. I knew it wasn't healthy, that I should just deal with the nightmares and go to sleep. I was trying I really was but recently, they manifested in a terrible yet inevitable image, one that I saw whenever I closed my eyes. The man I loved, in the electric chair, paying for the crimes he'd committed.

I wanted to belive that he deserved it. That he was a ruthless killer who deserved the death penalty. That he was a monster. But he wasn't, he was a broken man, someone who needed a lot of help.

Then it hit me. He needed help. If I could convince a jury that he wasn't mentally stable at the time the crime was committed, I may be able to get him transfered to a mental hospital and spared that cruel fate. He could get the help he needed and I could still see him. He had already expressed remorse for what he did, maintaining that he had to do it. If I could pull it off, he'd spend the rest of his days in a facility, but he would be alive.

I began writing down anything useful from our sessions, anything that might prove that he wasn't fit to stand trial when he did. I started with his childhood, how he likely had PTSD and how that could affect the way he remembered and reacted to what happened, how he insisted that Dr. Enon, his previous therapist, was dead despite the fact he appeared in court, Sal insisted he was dead and replaced.
It was strange and likely a product of whatever happened in the apartment building. The only one who knows for sure what happened in there, is in prison.


' ' I've heard that lie a million times before ' '

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' ' I've heard that lie a million times before ' '

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