Attack on Bartley (1/2)

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"Hello Cody, it's been a while hasn't it?" asked Elliot.

"Yeah, almost two weeks, buts it's great to see you again you little squirt," said Arthur as he hugged around his little brother. The small reunion even made Kate shed a tear, although Emma was the only one who saw it.

"Hey, I don't mean to rude-fully interrupt the reunion, but I hope you don't mind explaining your story to us right about now," asked Sidney. "Oh, well I guess I don't see why not?-

All of a sudden, out jumped another anthro wolf, this one a grey female but without any kind of artificial weaponry. Her sudden arrival jolted the others while Kate just chuckled.

"Ah, how nice of you to show up right about now Roxie," Kate laughed. "Hey, sorry if I scared anyone over here," apologized Roxie as she nervously waved to the others. "Anyways, the others aren't too far behind us, but we should get back to the yard," said Kate.

"You know, we can hear you over here, and I thought it was just you around, what's she doing here?" asked Cody. "Well, I found this hard to believe as well, but yeah, I'll explain it on the way back, but it's a long story," said Elliot.

15 minutes later......

"So you mean to tell us, that Kate, Roxie, and these other guys are all clones of you after you got experimented on?" asked Arthur.

"Yeah, that's the gist of it bro, I told you I didn't even believe it," said Elliot.

"I guess that makes sense, I found it convenient how Kate always had some strange sense of charisma that you always had," joked Cody. "Can't say you're wrong, but yeah, we're almost back," said Kate.

Past the tree line, Cody could recognize the sheds they had left only around half an hour ago. However, something seemed off, there were some military trucks situated right outside the yard, and upon closer inspection, Diesel 10 and Splodge were all missing. "Oi, you!" shouted a soldier as he spotted the group.

Moments later, all 7 in the group were brought back to the sheds where they saw the other engines, but they weren't being held up by guns. And it seemed as though these people weren't going to hurt them.

"Kate! Roxie! Elliot! Good to see you all brought these four back here safely," said a scientist as she approached the group. "Glad to be of service Ms. Leo, and I'm also happy to introduce you to Cody and Emma Thompson, Arthur Zudin, and Sidney Wyatt's incase you didn't already know," said Kate.

"Uhh, it's nice to meet you Ms. Leo," said a nervous Emma. "Nice to meet you too young lady, but we need to get you back to your friends where we'll explain everything," said Ms. Leo. "So we're going on a mission of sorts? That's nice because we're trying to rescue Oliver and a lot of us are prepared to fight back about now," asked Cody.

Ms. Leo stuttered for a moment before she cleared her throat. "Well, I'm sorry but some of you won't be doing anything," she said. "What, why not?" asked Arthur. "I'm sorry, the general says you're too important and we need most of you alive and well," explained Elliot. "But we wanna help! We can't just sit back and not help prevent more people dying or getting turned out there!" Said Sidney. "Most of you will be helping, just not all of you right here! The general will explain everything!" said Kate.

Soon enough, the four were brought back to their group where the general was waiting for them. "Alright then, so now if we have everyone here, let's go over what we have on our agenda, anyways, yes we will be infiltrating Bartley's hideout, as Elijah and some others have already figured out the location for us where Cody, William, and Kate will be a part of the group heading there alongside the No.s 2, 4, and 11 to perform a rescue operation which is where Sidney and Mrs. Wyatt will be going with many others," explained the general.

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