A Furry Invasion

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April 19 - 11:25 PM

Maximus stood proud as he overlooked the crowd of anthro soldiers that had gathered and were awaiting orders. He knew this was the night they'd finally attack Biltmore and do them in, though he wouldn't show up to the attack until later. He'd also heard things from Logan that were promising, but he wanted it to be a surprise.

Meanwhile, Jake and the other kids that would be joining them felt conflicted, on one hand, they felt compelled to get through with this, but in the other hand, they were compelled to do the opposite after what June and Julie were saying before they took off. However, they didn't have much of a choice, but much of them wanted to stay on the sidelines to avoid danger.

Regardless, everyone heard it would soon be go time after their person on the inside had the survivors scrambled and in a panic.



Daniel was tired and ready to go to bed, hoping things would be better tomorrow when Shiloh and Sandy returned home. Many of his engines were dead or missing, a thought he was so terrified of when the two engines were sent out. But he tried to be hopeful as he walked through the hallway of the facility, desperate to stay focused as he was told to meet Dr. Cooper for something.

But as he came closer to the door, Daniel couldn't help but feel something was off. If only he'd hadn't shut the door when he came in then  he might've been able to run away, but alas, when he turned back around, the figure standing in the office had pulled the trigger on his gun. Daniel gasped at the pain and fell to the ground, growling at the figure as he looked up, who simply laughed as he prepared to shoot him again.

However, the voice of Dr. Cooper stopped him upon her entry. "Just get out of here and set the bombs off before you get caught trying. I'll deal with him," she said. Daniel couldn't believe what she was saying, but as the figure ran out of the room, he was left alone with her.

"You...bitch, why would you do this?" asked Daniel. "Simply put, much of this is for their own good, many of your engines were just caught in the crossfire, but don't worry," said Dr. Cooper. "You'll see at least many of them soon."

With that, she pointed her own handgun at Daniel's head and fired.


Cody panicked as Shiloh and Sandy picked up speed. It was only a matter of time before the attack would begin, and he felt so stupid for not asking June to try and help get him there faster before she took off, considering she said she was able to fly at at least hypersonic speeds. Meanwhile, the others in the coach were getting as prepared as they could, including Jack and Elijah.

However, as Cody was deep in his worrying mindset, he heard shouting and shooting into the coach from outside. In that moment, he took a boost of adrenaline as he ran to the front of the consist while being followed by Jack. Cody opened the coach door at one end and stepped out to see the back of Sandy's tender. "We're under attack! Go faster!" he yelled.

"What do you think we're doing genius!?" yelled her driver. Just then, another round of bullets was fired at the coaches, this one much more intense and causing the coaches to rock from side to side. Cody also nearly fell out, but he and Jack soon heard Elijah behind them. "Cody! I won't be mad if you have to save your sister, but if you're gonna jump, it's now or never!"

Just then, Cody was nearly shaken from the impact of an explosion that blew up the back of the consist. In that moment, his grip slipped, and Cody leaped and landed amongst the glowing balls of energy they'd been supplied with in Sandy's tender. When he looked up, he was handed a shovel, and then he heard a voice behind him. "Disconnect us! We'll only slow you down at this point!"

ROTWOTA: Book 3 - Resistance, Rebellion, and RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now