Searching and Finding Answers

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The day of the 18th had been an eventful recovery session for Biltmore, and Cody figured that in both a good and bad sense. For one, he'd been utterly exhausted from the workout today since the army men that were left required the able-bodied volunteers to be more able-bodied than before. Cody wasn't the only one to agree, considering Jack and William were jealous those like Elijah or Eddie could do so much of certain things like push-ups without breaking a sweat. What was more was the request for a few volunteers to go off with a few engines to scavenge for supplies and look for the three tank engines that had gone missing. Cody found it tempting, but wasn't 100% sure about it, considering he felt he needed to find more about the visions as soon as possible, but there was the risk of being caught and turned.

Luckily, he'd also gotten enough chances to ensure many of those he'd befriended and knew that his group had met and found since the previous day were all ok. Unfortunately, some of them were among those saying they'd be vulnerable to being invaded once more, this time ending up not so lucky. Cody hadn't been quite aware of what any of the scientists had to say, but he hoped it would be good enough news.

By the time it was around 5:30 PM, Cody was exhausted when he went to get dinner rations. He'd soon sit with a nearby Arthur and Jack, and would interest in joining in on their conversation. "Oh hey man, what's up?" asked Arthur as Cody went and sat down at the table with them. "Nothing much. Just tired from the day and want to rest. Heard anything about Elliot?" asked Cody. "No, all I heard today was that he was said to have been being difficult to handle recently," said Arthur.

"Oh, well anyway, I don't mean to burst your bubble but...have you heard about that Adam kid?" asked Jack. Cody actually remembered earlier when Emma had said something about him. "Yeah. What about him?" asked Cody. "He's got this claim about Kate and the others, you know, trying to weaken us from the inside and get us caught, crazy thought I say. But that's not all, he and some friends literally caught up to me as I tried to talk with Kate and almost stabbed me thinking I was a traitor as well." said Jack.

Cody and Arthur found themselves nervous and speechless, but the latter soon found the courage to break the silence between them. "Well, what's about him now?" he asked. "Not good, the heads are so busy they can't deal with him, so we're on our own with him, hopefully no one actually believes him," said Jack.

Cody could only hope, luckily Emma soon came by and they went back to their room together. "So, what happened with you and your friends?" asked Emma. "Just concerned about Adam and all that, but...I need to ask you something," said Cody. "Yeah?" asked Emma. "...have you seen anything odd about the husky in our dreams?" asked Cody. "I mean, if you're talking about the purple one, I'd have to say nothing much outside of it just being there." said Emma. "Well, I see that dragon thing explain how she means more, but I...don't want to believe what I think, but I might just get a chance to understand if I leave and go with the others on the sort of search and rescue," said Cody.

Emma seemed both confused and concerned about the situation, but she decided to get things off her chest. "Cody? I get it, you have to go. Last night, the figure simply said that "you'll be safe for now, but your brother needs to go find her, before something bad happens," so, I guess you do, but promise me you'll be careful," said Emma as she marked with air quotes.

Cody thought for a minute, but soon nodded, the only problem was that he hadn't signed up for the mission when he had the chance. He figured they were better off in the morning and he'd think of something then. It wasn't long before the two siblings fell asleep. Except Cody heard something, and he opened his eyes and saw the dragon again.

"What now? Should I really go with the others?" asked Cody. The dragon thought for a moment. "Yes, you will be found there, just trust yourself and stay true, that's all I ask of you Cody," she said. Cody smiled in his head and he finally went off to sleep.

ROTWOTA: Book 3 - Resistance, Rebellion, and RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now