Recovery, Attack, and Discovery

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(Author's Note: This one's for you @tartanked)

" that a gun!?" asked Cody.

The wolf then turned to him, showing that it was just a piece of metal. Cody sighed with relief, but he was still curious.

"Oh good, almost thought it was the obvious moment of betrayal where she was gonna shoot you, even though I wouldn't care because you were stupid for not catching it sooner."

Cody turned around and sneered at Adam, only for him to sneer back.

"Whatever, just know we left behind the only friends I had the other day. I won't have any beef with you, but if you want me to help put her and the rest of them down, feel free to ask."

Just then, Cody caught a glimpse of Oliver coming over, swinging his arm and punching Adam right in the jaw. "Don't talk like that, you aren't the only one who lost someone last night!" he yelled. Adam wiped his mouth as Kate walked back over and stood beside Cody and Oliver. 

"Whatever you say, Trainer was better off without someone like you," said Adam as he stared at Kate, who at this point knew this was the final straw. She slashed her his throat with her claw, causing blood to spill, before she did the same with the other arm, doing even more damage. With one final swing she hit him with an uppercut and his entire head flew into the air as his body fell down, blood pouring and going all over the place.

"Hey, do you hear me?" asked Adam. Kate then snapped back into reality and looked him in the eyes. "Did you hear what I just said?" he asked.

Kate simply scoffed in annoyance, she didn't have to listen to him outright. She may have lost control of herself, but it was likely a rare occurrence and they could fix it. She then partially let go of Eddie and Sidney before walking on her own to where Dr. Sarah Leo was while some of the others watched from a distance.

"Oh, hey Kate. We just needed you to answer what happened. Are you feeling alright? Is anything coming back to you?"


(The Night Before)

Kate flew into where she thought she tracked the scent of something. She didn't realize it at first, but now she was within the shed the engines resided within while everything was peaceful at Biltmore.

She moved deeper into the room with her eyes scanned around, but nothing. Just then, she heard a loud hum and remnants of some kind of blue glow appear behind her. Kate turned around and growled as she stared down the source of the noise.

"Got you right where I want you. Nowhere to fly now," said 1477 as compartments on his sides began to open up, revealing his mini guns. "Time to put you down for good."

Like she would let that happen.

Instead, the moment the bullets were fired, Kate flew out of the way and maneuvered the bests she could in the small space she had. Some bullets got her sure, but it was nothing she couldn't heal from.

In retaliation, she shot a fireball, only for some kind of plated mask to close over 1477's face, causing it to do practically no damage. Compartments on the top of his boiler then opened and shot out two different grenades. Kate got out of the way, but as they landed, some kind of green gas and bolts of electricity shot out. Kate was stunned by the latter, giving an opportunity for her to inhale some of the green gas and felt it take over her system, however, it wasn't long before it was eliminated within her body.

Now she had the chance to close in on 1477, but not before he shot out one more grenade, one Kate dodged, but it then blew up behind her, rocketing her forward. She felt herself hit the wall, and so she bounced back and flew towards 1477, slashing him several times. The mini guns on his side tried to shoot at her, but she dodged and flew right back at the autotank, hitting him several more times before she got to his face.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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