Chapter 7

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I fluster and cover my face with my hands, "Oh my gosh, Billie."

She chuckles and begins driving us towards her house.

1597 words

As I sit in the car, I keep myself sat straight up, not relaxing into the seat behind me. I'm uncomfortable in this clean, nice car and I'm nervous to touch anything.

"You good?" Billie glances my way.

I turn towards her and nod shortly, "Mhm."

Billie looks back to the road, "Then relax, don't be nervous."

I shrug, "I am relaxed."

She laughs, "Like hell you are. Lean back."

I look at her through the side of my eye.

She places her right hand on the front of my shoulder and pushes softly, "Lean back," she encourages lightly, "Relax, baby."

I slowly lean back into the seat, internally wincing at the feeling of the clean cushion against my back. I try to relax more, and scoot my butt forward a bit, so I can lean further back.

"There you go," Billie says with a smile, "We're almost there."

I hum, attempting to continue to allow myself to relax without tensing up.

We turn down a small road, and down a couple more until we drive up to a grand gate. Billie pulls up, types a code in, and the gates begin to open.

My mouth involuntarily falls open, and Billie giggles, "Fancy, huh?"

I close my mouth. "Very much so."

We drive among the towering mansions until Billie pulls up to a house and parks the car, "Let me open the door for you."

I blush, "Okay. Um, thank you. For everything."

"No need," She kisses my cheek and closes the door, leading my blushing self to the front door.

We enter and I stand awkwardly in the foyer as Billie pulls off her shoes and walks to the kitchen, placing her keys on the counter and opening a cabinet, "Want a glass of water?"

I go to decline, but Billie cuts me off, "Yes, you do. And you want some healthy food too."

I swallow, "Yes, Billie. Thank you."

I start to feel guilty that Billie is so generous, giving me so many things when I can't return the favor, but I remind myself that Billie is just looking for a genuine friend. I can be that for her. I'll be the best friend she's ever had!

"Sorry I'm so awkward," I blush, gaining the courage to pull off my shoes as well and enter the kitchen as she opens the fridge.

Billie shrugs, "It's cute."

I fluster internally and attempt to maintain my decorum, "Want help fixing something?"

She turns to me, smiling at my blush, "No, Jem. Just make yourself at home."

I swallow hard and take a seat in one of the barstools at the island, trying not to make too much noise. The chair squeaks as I sit down and I internally cringe at the loud noise.

Charity//BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now